Chinese T&I 25th Anniversary Reunion


25th MIIS T&I Chinese Anniversary

July 15th 2011

Taipei, Taiwan

The Chinese T&I 25th anniversary reception dinner held last Friday in Taipei was a huge success. 50 alumni registered for the event, and even though there was heavy rain, 37 of showed up. Three alumni couldn’t come that day, so Professor Jui-Ching Wallace Chen took them out for a separate dinner. In total 40 people joined the 25th anniversary reception: the biggest T&I turnout in Taipei for years.

This was probably the first T&I reunion in Taiwan that attracted alumni from the very first class of 1989 to the most recent class of 2011. Some of the alumni haven’t seen each other for almost 20 years! They all shared fond memories of studying at MIIS and got caught up on latest news and development of the Institute.

Many alumni conveyed their greetings to all the Chinese T&I faculty, the Dean, Angie and Jeff. Also a special thank you to  Leah and Maureen at the Alumni office for your generous financial support to make this anniversary dinner a wonderful and memorable event.

Our T&I alumni in Taiwan are doing pretty well. Statistics below give you an overview of what they are up to now:

NGO: 1

Government: 7

Freelance: 8

University instructors: 17

Private businesses: 5

TI agencies: 2

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