Monthly Archives: July 2011

English Language Fellow Courtney Pahl

Courtney Pahl, a 2011 MATESOL Graduate and Language Program Administration (LPA) Certificate holder, is about to start her next chapter of English Language Education in Brazil! Courtney has been selected for the position of English Language Fellow (ELF) at the CasaThomas Jefferson (CTJ) Bi-national Center in Brasilia, Brazil. CJT is an institute for both
linguistic and cultural exchange. There are six CTJ branches located in Brasilia that serveas educational centers for over 15,000 students and nearly 200 faculty members. Courtney’s fellowship will start in February 2012 and continue until November.

During her time in Brazil, Courtney will primarily work as an English instructor. Most of her students will be between the ages of four and 18. In addition to teaching, Courtney will also have the opportunity to take on various other roles and responsibilities, some of which include serving on a faculty supervisory team, coaching fellow English instructors as they prepare to write proposals and present at the Brazilian National TESOL Conference, presenting at various conferences, and preparing and presenting a variety of professional development workshops for local educators.

Courtney is very excited to not only get more experience in the classroom but also help other teachers develop into great language instructors. She is anxious to get her “feet wet” in the supervisory and coaching elements of her ELF position. In fact, she claims that ELF is the ideal job for her at this point in her career, as it will allow her to experience multiple dimensions of English language education.

Courtney is very thankful for the education she gained from the Monterey Institute. In fact, in her interview for the ELF position, the quality and prestige of the institute was highlighted, as well as the value of completing the LPA certificate. Courtney attributes her successful acceptance to the ELF program to the experiences and education she gained from the faculty and staff of the Monterey Institute.

Courtney is looking forward to improving her Portuguese and exploring Brazil!

Click here to learn more about Casa Thomas Jefferson (CTJ) or Courney’s position as an English Language Fellow.

Chinese T&I 25th Anniversary Reunion


25th MIIS T&I Chinese Anniversary

July 15th 2011

Taipei, Taiwan

The Chinese T&I 25th anniversary reception dinner held last Friday in Taipei was a huge success. 50 alumni registered for the event, and even though there was heavy rain, 37 of showed up. Three alumni couldn’t come that day, so Professor Jui-Ching Wallace Chen took them out for a separate dinner. In total 40 people joined the 25th anniversary reception: the biggest T&I turnout in Taipei for years.

This was probably the first T&I reunion in Taiwan that attracted alumni from the very first class of 1989 to the most recent class of 2011. Some of the alumni haven’t seen each other for almost 20 years! They all shared fond memories of studying at MIIS and got caught up on latest news and development of the Institute.

Many alumni conveyed their greetings to all the Chinese T&I faculty, the Dean, Angie and Jeff. Also a special thank you to  Leah and Maureen at the Alumni office for your generous financial support to make this anniversary dinner a wonderful and memorable event.

Our T&I alumni in Taiwan are doing pretty well. Statistics below give you an overview of what they are up to now:

NGO: 1

Government: 7

Freelance: 8

University instructors: 17

Private businesses: 5

TI agencies: 2

TA Program in France. Teach English – Study French


Professor Jacolyn HARMER, GSTILE French Program (right)


Ms. Carolyn COLLINS, Educational Affairs Program Officer

Embassy of France, Washington DC

to discuss the Teaching Assistant Program in France

Do you love the French language, want to make it a significant component of your chosen career path…but know it is not yet as fluent as it should be?

Good news! Young Americans wanting to enhance their French language skills while living and working in France can apply to the Teaching Assistant Program in France coordinated through the French Embassy in Washington, DC. This program places successful applicants as paid English instructors in French elementary and high schools, giving them the opportunity to immerse themselves in French culture and language in action.

After completing the Teaching Assistant Program in France, several graduates have taken the next step and applied for a MA degree in French Translation and Interpretation at the Monterey Institute of International Studies Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation and Language Education.

Interested in learning more about the Teaching Assistant Program in France?

Visit the Embassy of France webpage at:

Already completed the Teaching Assistant Program in France and polished your French language skills?

Visit the Monterey Institute of International Studies Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation website to learn more about the language professions.

Or contact the GSTILE French T&I Language Coordinator, Professor Christiane Abel, directly at

Translation & Interpretation Homepage