Laissez les bons temps rouler!

When I first heard that the TESOL 2011 Annual Convention would be in New Orleans, I was excited. When I realized it would be on St. Patrick’s Day, I practically booked my plane ticket then and there. St. Patrick’s Day in New Orleans — what fun! Yes, I had been burned in the past by TESOL’s choice of location. Namely in 2009, when a blizzard hit Denver just as my plane was trying to land. But that’s a story for another time. I’m really looking forward to being in the Big Easy for the conference this year. It promises to be a busy week as I will arrive early to attend a CEA accreditation workshop Monday & Tuesday. On Wednesday, I’m taking a workshop presented by Denise Murray and MaryAnn Christison – two of my program administration idols – as part of the TESOL Leadership Development program. Thursday we will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the MA TESOL program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. And on Friday, I’m presenting my own workshop on the role of Emotional Intelligence in Language Program Administration. I can’t wait to see friends, alumni, and colleagues who will be coming in from around the world for the event! It promises to be both a great professional development experience, as well as just a really good time. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

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