Student Involvement in CATESOL North 2010

Photo: sarspri

On November 13, 2010 the Monterey Institute hosted the Northern Regional CATESOL conference with nearly 400 people in attendance. This conference involved a tremendous amount of work and contributions from the student body at MIIS, from arriving in the early morning to prepare breakfast, to translating speeches and presenting, and to even co-chairing the conference.

Photo: sarspri

You can reference the Northern CATESOL 2010 website for resources created by student presenters and further information about their topics. The conference included student presentations by Emily Quade, Rod Hinn, Greta Shoop, James Atcheson, Marie Wojcik, Tam Roman, Xueting Wang, Kristina Swamy and Chad Miles, PJ Standlee and Mark Garnett, and PJ Standlee again with Wing Cheung.

Photo: sarspri

Several alumni also presented at the conference, including a feature speaker, Maricel Santos. Professor Kathi Bailey took part in a panel presentation with several current students, and Professor John Hedgcock led a workshop on teaching writing.

For more photos and information about the conference, be sure to take a look at the CATESOL North 2010 site!

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