Five years of China International Publishing Group!

Since fall 2006, the Monterey Institute has hosted advanced English and translation/interpretation courses for editors, translators and journalists from China’s largest English language publishing house:  China International Publishing Group.  “We present China to the world,” is the CIPG motto, which they do through books, periodicals, and websites in over 20 languages, representing more than half of national exports of books/periodicals.

Through competitive exams open to the 3000 employees of CIPG, six scholars are selected and sent to the Monterey Institute for a program of advanced English discourse, cross-cultural communication, learning styles, editorial issues, and applied translation and interpreting skills.  Monterey Institute MA students in our translation/interpretation program have benefited from the real-life experience and high proficiency level of the CIPG members, as well as developing professional connections.   The community is involved with outside speakers such as Bradley Zeve, founder of the Monterey Weekly, reporters from the Monterey Herald, and visiting editors from the Zimbabwe press, further developing the free exchange of ideas, and cross-cultural awareness.  We look forward to the next group in fall 2010!

CIPG 2009 Group on their way to a Glass Bottom Boat ride

CIPG 2009 Group on their way to a Glass Bottom Boat ride

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