Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
Reza Aslan Links Success Of His Latest Book To Principles He Taught At MIIS
In the past few days, the name Reza Aslan has sparked attention because of his latest book and a subsequent interview with Fox New. The reviews of the book vary (The New York Times, The Telegraph, etc.) but whatever people think and say, his book has drawn a lot of attention and discussion and has certainly boosted his website The website has attracted many volunteers to contribute to write, tweet, and blog on issues related to the Middle East in particular.
Students at MIIS will well remember his workshop in February 2012 where he and Kiva Co-Founder taught nonprofit professionals how to receive media exposure for topics generally neglected in mainstream media. In the technological era of the twenty-first century, the internet allows for news and ideas to spread within seconds. Reza Aslan has taken advantage of this development. For him, social media is a necessary tool not only for education but also for capacity building, marketing and strengthening entrepreneurship. The Executive Education Workshops are an integral part of MIIS education to make students become the solution: develop skills, creativity and innovative ideas for problem-solving.