Monday, November 26th, 2018...11:27 am

The AASD is hiring a Student Evaluation Team for J-term 2019!

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The Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development (AASD) is recruiting a team of students to help us design and pilot an evaluation of family greenhouse projects in the Sacred Valley, Peru. The AASD is interested in carrying out a thorough evaluation of the projects in order to develop best practices and adapt future projects to realities on the ground. During the three-week J-term Students will be:

  1. Exploring the relationship between agriculture technologies and Andean farming culture
  2. Designing an evaluation
  3. Field testing data collection methods
  4. Delivering detailed evaluation project to the AASD to be carried out in Summer, 2019

Students can expect to work in teams and in close collaboration with AASD staff. Students will be based in the town of Calca, Peru and spending time in indigenous farming communities in the region.

J-Term Program Dates: January 7-25
J-Term Program Fee: $2,600

Students can apply for $1,000 in Immersive Learning Funding by Dec. 1st!

This is the first step in a two-phase project, and as such, students who participate in J-term will have priority selection for the summer iteration, which is an 8-week practicum with funding available through Middlebury Social Impact Corps.


Students will work on a team to design and field test the evaluation. No prior experience in evaluation or assessment is required, as training will be provided. Students can expect to learn and implement various research techniques, including surveys, interviews, and other methodologies, as well as evaluation best-practices. Students will be traveling to remote communities throughout the highlands, so some rustic conditions should be expected.


  • An interest in learning about the realities and challenges of working in development as part of a small NGO
  • The ability to work independently and think critically to help us move the program forward
  • Flexibility, as the situation on the ground can change and require frequent adaptation and potential shifts in focus
  • Conversational Spanish language ability

Direct Study credits will be supervised by Dr. Beryl Levinger: 

With questions or to APPLY, contact Gaelen Hayes:


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