Monday, March 26th, 2018...1:21 pm
RIT-Kosovo’s Peace and Conflict Summer Program, June 24-July 27, 2018
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Interested in Peace and Conflict? Don’t have summer plans? The Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Peace and Conflict Summer Program might be a fit for you!
RIT brings in senior policy makers and academics who blend practical and theoretical approaches to: countering violent extremism; conflict transformation; the background/context to the post-cold war regional conflicts (e.g., in the Balkans, the Middle East, South Asia, and Caucasus); post-conflict economic development; ethics and international relations.
- The 5-week program (June 24-July 27, 2018) begins with an 8-day study tour in the region (Albania, Montenegro, Dubrovnik, Bosnia, Serbia) and is followed by 4 weeks of intensive training/teaching in 2 courses for a total of 6 academic credits from the Rochester Institute of Technology; thrice-weekly informal seminars where policy makers and students discuss practical dimensions of policy and peace operations; an annual workshop for participants on issues such as ‘building sustainable governance’, ‘constructive counter-narratives to violent extremism’; and possible service learning/internships with an NGO or government agency.
- One of the program’s strengths is its venue: Participants are strengthening links among policy makers and academics from the US, Kosovo and other places. They meet with officials and activists as part of a program that blends theory and practice in a unique way in undergraduate/graduate academia.
- Participants and students constitute a diverse community: from Kosovo, US, Western Europe, Europe, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Morocco, Bangladesh, India, among others.
In addition, some scholarships and discounts (for early deciders) are available for students/participants.
For more information please email the immersive learning office: or Carolyn Meyer