Friday, June 19th, 2015...11:08 am
Adventures to Parts Known & Unknown
MIIS and Frontier Market Scouts alumna, Yuniya Khan, has certainly been making the most of her experience in Brazil. Yuniya is wrapping up a seven week stint working with entrepreneurs in Salvador, Brazil. Her work with the organization Instituto Mídia Étnica (IME) has included workshops on design thinking, business modeling, financial sustainability, fundraising, and marketing. And she’s done it all while learning Portuguese!
In addition, Yuniya has also been learning about the obstacles that entrepreneurs face while starting and running a business in Salvador. She plans on returning to Salvador in late August to continue working with IME to launch the organization’s first ever co-working space targeting black entrepreneurs. She will also be collaborating with another organization, the Amani Institute, to offer courses on social innovation, design thinking, and other relevant topics to the entrepreneurs in our co-working space, as well as in Salvador at large.
Yuniya is a FMS alumna and founder of Team El Salvador.