Thursday, January 22nd, 2015...10:21 am
IPSS 2015 Placements Announced
The International Professional Service Semester (IPSS) is excited to announce the placement of 30 Middlebury Institute of International Studies students to the distinguished semester-long assignment with premier international organizations around the globe. Since the IPSS program’s inception in 2002, more than 200 students have served in over 150 organizations. 2015 is another promising year for many students and we wish them the best of luck in their semester long assignments. Below is a list of current fellows, the organizations they will serve, position location, and major.
Good luck Fellows!
Fellow | Organization | Location | Major |
Arnold Africot | Santa Lucia Preserve | Monterey County | IEP |
Mary Elizabeth Miller | FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) | Rome, Italy | IEP |
Jordan Sanchez | Wild Coast | San Diego, California | IEP |
Victoria Bell | Marine Conservation Institute | Washington D.C. | IEP |
Kelsey Richardson | Secretariat of Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) | Apia, Samoa | IEP |
Burton Julius Gaiseb | WWF (World Wildlife Fund) | Windhoek, Namibia | IEP |
Frank Lin | The World Bank | Washington D.C. | MPA |
Julio Noguera | Pact-Yangon | Myanmar | IPS |
Sean Peck | Consortium for Terrorism & Responses to Terrorism (START) | University of Maryland | NPTS |
Thomas Gray | IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) | Vienna, Austria | NPTS |
Ani Saakyan-Peck | FINCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) | Washington D.C. | NPTS |
Angel Quintanilla | Lawrence Livermore Laboratory | Livermore, CA | NPTS |
Lily Vaccaro | VCNDP (Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation) | Vienna, Austria | NPTS |
Cervando Banuelos | CTBTO (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization) | Vienna, Austria | NPTS |
Adam Proveaux | U.S. State Department and the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation | Washington D.C. | NPTS |
Cassandra Peterson | UNODA (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs) | New York City | NPTS |
Shant Krikorian | U.S. State Department of Proliferation and Financing | Washington D.C. | NPTS |
Charles Odorfer | UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) | Istanbul, Turkey | IPS |
Joshua Fleming | UNECLAC (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) | Washington D.C. | IPS |
Oscar Grijalva | FINCEN Policy Division | Washington D.C. | IPS |
Theresa Gauvreau | U.S. State Department | Washington D.C. | IPS |
Audrey Metcalf | International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional office | Bangkok, Thailand | IPS |
Kendra Haugh | FINCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) | Washington D.C. | IPS |
Kathryn Krueger | UN Women | Istanbul Turkey | IPS |
Gaelen Hayes | Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development | Calca, Peru | IPS |
Terri Pugh | Ihangane Project | Rwanda | IPS |
Benjamin Volscko | NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) | Romania | NPTS |
John Gebbia | Mercy Corp. | Washington D.C. | IPS |
Aileen Yang | Tesla | Freemont, CA | IPS |