Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014...11:23 am
PTD Breaking Ground for Local Development at the Homeless Garden Project
Last Friday, PTD students were able to actively experience Development, one of the three pillars of the Peace Trade and Development program. Their first site visit was at the Homeless Garden Project in Santa Cruz. The Homeless Garden Project is a non-profit and an organic farm that provides job training, transitional employment and support services to the homeless. The peaceful atmosphere and creative projects offered a healing and transformational environment. Many of Santa Cruz’s homeless population come to the garden to relax, receive a meal and even work for minimum wage.
The Peace Trade and Development students spent the morning touring the site and weeding rows of plants. They also joined community volunteers and farm employees for lunch—an organic and vegan meal sourced mostly from the garden. After lunch the students had a blast washing dishes.
Click here to find out more about the Peace Trade and Development program.