Thursday, May 1st, 2014...2:35 pm
Room to Dream: A Reflection on Rwanda
Earlier this year, the Development Project Management Institute took approximately 25 MIIS students to Rwanda for an intensive, culturally immersive training. They were joined by 9 Rwandans, as well as participants from places like Russia, Germany, and Haiti.
The trip was co-facilitated by Dr. Beryl Levinger and Marie Kagaju Laugharn, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide.
Marie writes, “During the 1990s, the world equated Rwanda with genocide. This was the lens through which the media and the world saw my country. Today, I want people everywhere to know more about the positive changes happening in Rwanda, as these changes are more nuanced and not well documented or reported. Rwanda is clearly very resilient, working hard, and aspiring to make it. Like Jane and many others like her in Rwanda, the whole country has big dreams and hopes for its future, and it felt great to witness that first-hand.”
For an thoughtful reflection on Rwanda and the experience of DPMI participants, please check out the rest of Marie’s blog here: