Friday, March 21st, 2014...3:23 pm

Development Project Management Institute gears up for summer

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The Development Project Management Institute is going strong in its 10th year. We are currently accepting applications for the next training, offered both in Monterey, CA (May 19 – June 6) and Washington, D.C. (May 26 – June 13)!  Apply here

DPMI Academic Director and Module One instructor Beryl Levinger has been on sabbatical during this academic year. She has used this time to undertake a rich agenda of consulting projects for a diverse roster of clients including the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative; the Carter Center; the International Resources Group; Freedom from Hunger; the International Committee of the Red Cross; Project Concern International; Root Change; Save the Children; and the World Bank.

To carry out these projects, Beryl will, by the end of the semester, have traveled extensively including trips to Morocco, Nigeria, Mexico, Jerusalem, Colombia, Geneva and Korea, as well as to Atlanta, Washington, and Davis, California.  Many of the tools, techniques, and frameworks that Beryl uses in these assignments will be presented during her DPMI module. The intent behind Beryl’s sabbatical projects was to ensure that her teaching is as good a reflection as possible of the best of current practice and real-world job requirements.

We look forward to another engaging training with this summer’s participants!

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