About Megan

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for visiting the site, and for supporting my return trip to

Thrilled to be back in Ecuador, not so much about eating that grub

Ecuador.  Many of you are under the impression that I can’t seem to get enough of this place, and it’s true! I could not be happier to be spending 6 months in a place that feels like a second home to me.  So how did I (finally) get back here… again?

Wellll….. It all started when I spent a semester during my undergraduate studies at the University of Illinois in Quito, Ecuador.  This formative experience, though more perfect that I ever could have imagined, left me yearning for more.

3 years later, I enrolled in the Fisher MBA Program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.  And while 60 degrees and partly sunny all year long in Monterey is nice, it just wouldn’t feel right to receive and International MBA without doing something, well… international!  So when the opportunity arose to spend a semester setting up a business accelerator program in the jungle of Ecuador, you better believe I jumped, no… leaped, no…. lunged at the chance. (That’s right people, I said jungle… we’re talking monkeys, rivers of life, transport by canoe and birds with colors you didn’t even know existed.)

So from September 2 – January 23rd I’ll be writing from The Yachana Lodge and Reserve in Mondaña, Ecuador (don’t bother looking it up on Google maps… we’re along the Napo River between Tena and Coca).   I may be out of touch at times since ya know, it’s the jungle.  But stay tuned for posts, pictures and updates!  And for all you MIIS-ers in Monterey, if you see this little angel of a canine walking around, give her an “hola” for me.

Hasta pronto, besos, y abrazotes,


4 thoughts on “About Megan

    • Hi Michael,
      Thanks! I actually just read your interview with NextBillion on the “Quest for Exits” in impact investing… very interesting, especially with respect to mobile devices and increased communication. I am conducting a small study here on the adoption of social media in rural Amazonia…will be sure to post my findings!


  1. Megan, congratulations, you’ve achieved your goal. Made it interesting as well as understandable. Here’s to you!! Now looking forward to Part II. Take care. I love you. Grandma

  2. Your mom told me you were here and sent the info so I could get in touch with you. I have read all your info and lady………………..I am impressed with you and what you are doing and have done and so. All I can say is ……………..I am so proud of you!! What wonderful experiences you are having……..think about what you are going to tell your grandchildren, well maybe we should start with your children or better yet, what you will tell a fiance. Anyway, I will not take up time and space, but stay in touch when you can and Megan, you are one terriffic lady!! I am proud to say you are a friend! TAKE CARE MY FRIEND. Love ya, Cindie Hagen-your Safety Village friend of the past.

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