Category Archives: Uncategorized

“النقد الدولى”: الاقتصاد المصرى يمر بمرحلة صعبة

17-5-2012 دعا صندوق النقد الدولى مصر إلى “التطلع أبعد من المدى القريب” فى وقت توقفت فيه المحادثات بين الصندوق ومصر حول قرض بسبب العملية الانتخابية.

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US-Arab Chamber of Commerce talks developing economies

May 2,2012 BYU and The National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce sponsored a conference Tuesday in the Kennedy center on building opportunities to explore trade and investment between Utah, the Middle East and North Africa.

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رئيس مجلس الأعمال”السعودى – المصرى” : الاستثمارات السعودية فى مصر فى أمان

1-5-2012 قال الدكتور عبدالله صادق دحلان رئيس مجلس الأعمال السعودى -المصرى (رئيس الجانب السعودى) أن الجهات الرسمية المصرية طمأنته على الاستثمارات السعودية وأكدت أنها محل حماية ورعاية من الحكومة المصرية، مشيرا إلى أن العلاقات السعودية -المصرية قوية وراسخة لن تتأثر بتداعيات الأوضاع … Continue reading

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IMF Calls on Egypt to Take Subsidy Reform Lessons from Iran

April 28,2012 TEHRAN (FNA)- The International Monetary Fund said Egypt should look to the Islamic Republic as a model for how to cut subsidies.

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سنغافورة تستثمر 10 ملايين دولار فى مشروع غذائى بمصر

21-4-2012 أعلن أسامة صالح رئيس الهيئة العامة للاستثمار والمناطق الحرة، اعتزام شركة صناعات غذائية سنغافورية إقامة مشروع متكامل للصناعات الغذائية فى مصر باستثمارات مبدئية تبلغ 10 ملايين دولار.

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Egypt’s shaky finances: Can the IMF and government agree on a loan deal?

April 20,2012 The International Monetary Fund is moving closer to approving a multibillion-dollar loan to helpEgypt shore up its shaky finances, but the failure of some emerging political players in the Arab Spring country to endorse the plan is holding up a final … Continue reading

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Egypt finmin expects to get IMF loan by end-June

  April 12,2012 Egypt’s government expects to seal a loan from the International Monetary Fund by May 15, allowing the money to be disbursed before a new president is sworn in at the end of June, the country’s Finance Minister … Continue reading

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16 High-Impact Entrepreneurs from Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico Join the Endeavor Network

March 31,2012 DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Mar 31, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Endeavor selected 16 High-Impact Entrepreneurs from Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico at its 42nd annual International Selection Panel. Endeavor now supports 672 High-Impact Entrepreneurs from 422 companies … Continue reading

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Arab Spring Brings Some Sour Fruits

March 26,2012 Recent shifts in the Middle East and North Africa have presented several economic challenges such as high unemployment, an exodus of migrants from Libya and a reduction of tourism revenues. Given that economic discontent played a vital role … Continue reading

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IMF delegation to arrive to Egypt Sunday: Fayza Abul-Naga

March 17,2012 An International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation will arrive to Egypt Sunday to discuss the “broad lines” of a $3.2 billion financial package for Egypt, Fayza Abul-Naga, minister of international cooperation, was reported as saying by Al-Ahram’s Arabic portal … Continue reading

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