Working hard with one of the team members for the photo op.
Myles Lutheran
Helping to Pave the Way for Kenya’s Organic Farming Future
As progress continues in the upgraded Eco Fuels Kenya factory and daily operation starts to move towards an autonomous flow, the management team now looks forward to further implementing its strategic plan for the future. Specifically what this means is … Continue reading →
Building the Croton Supply Chain Partnerships for Lasting Impact
Judging the Tangaza College Business Plan Competition & Striking Oil in Naro Maru
As part of my Frontier Market Scouts assignment with Eco Fuels Kenya, I am spending 20% of my time scouting new companies and partners for future Village Capital programs. The first scouting opportunity of my placement came on March 15th … Continue reading →
Stage 3: Prepare – Putting the ‘Eco Fuels’ Pieces in Place
The past couple of weeks at Eco Fuels Kenya consisted of learning the processes of day-to-day operations, getting to know the personalities and roles of each team member, and starting to find ways to contribute as a Frontier Market Scout. … Continue reading →
Scouting a Path to an Impact Investing Career
Here is a blog I wrote for ImpactIQ, part of a startup called ImpactSpace. You can see the original posting here. (Editor’s Note: Both local and global talent is sorely needed to help the enterprising poor build businesses for scalable … Continue reading →
A Frontier Market Scout’s Transition to Eco Fuels Kenya
The weeks between the completion of my Frontier Market Scout (FMS) training at Monterey International Institute and my arrival at the Eco Fuels Kenya factory in Naro Moru, Kenya were filled with anxiousness, anticipation, and excitement. Being reinvigorated about social … Continue reading →