Emily Lantz

Emily LantzLocation: Ahmedabad, Gujarat , India

Village Capital Partner: CIIE

Emily has nearly 5 years of professional experience as a Deloitte human capital consultant solving complex business problems for global, Fortune 100 companies with an eye towards people and organizational effectiveness. During a mission trip to South Africa in 2010, Emily’s wheels started turning about charity, aid, and enterprise. This led her on a 6 month sabbatical with a Kenyan non-profit where she helped equip the missing middle with business and leadership training, mentoring, and access to affordable capital, enabling SMEs to become job creators rather than job seekers. In many ways, these experiences changed Emily’s life and trajectory, fueling her desire to help solve the problem of poverty in developing countries through smart, sustainable business models that transform the lives of families and communities.

Emily is from Atlanta, Georgia, where she is a proud Georgia Tech grad.