I’m back…!

Hello blog readers, sorry for my delinquency in writing posts promptly and uploading pictures. I’ll be remedying that today! Let me explain myself. I’ve not been writing for a multitude of reasons, the first one being that I’ve been a tad tired/lazy. The second week I was here, I spent a lot of time just sleeping and napping a lot…we’ll call that delayed jet lag. The other reason has been that I’ve been having difficulty deciding what to write about and what direction that I want the blog to take. I’ve decided that there will be no real direction for my time here in Salvador. When I get to São Paulo, there will be more talk of the work that I do and less details about what I spend my free time doing (this makes sense since I’ll actually be working, instead of going to school, then hanging out all day/feeding and talking to stray creatures). The last and most important reason is that I’ve not been sure what to say. I know those of you who know me are probably on the floor laughing so hard that your spleen may burst, but it’s the truth. My one desire for this blog has been to capture your attention, make you laugh, while also sharing my own personal observations with you as I currently experience it. I want all of my readers to feel as invested in my time here as I am; quite frankly, I want it to feel like you’ve moved to Brasil with me and are meeting the amazing people I encounter each day. I want to paint a picture with words that distance cannot erase (was that too corny and poetic? it felt that way, but I really do mean it…I promise =-)

Well, now that’s been said, let’s get down to business. My next series of posts after this one will be out of order, disjointed, and at times hard to follow (deal with it please…I’ve got a lot to share). Oh yeah and some of them may be quite long. Please make sure you have time to read a post in one sitting, I find them to be more entertaining that way!!! I’m trying to take Rebecca Walters advice to post a little at a time and not overwhelm you all with text…after all, she is the digital guru!

Happy reading!