3 months in…

Hi All!

I’ve reached the mid-point of my experience here in Haiti and at YSB! Time is going by pretty fast so far, but I am enjoying myself from all fronts.

Internship: I am gradually becoming more and more familiar with financial modeling and terms, using logic and calculations to validate assumptions, and how to properly communicate complex ideas.

Family: I can’t get enough of this time that I’m able to spend with my family whom I rarely get to see.

Social Life: Besides frequenting the beach several times, I’ve met plenty of family friends, been to a huge music festival, ate at delicious restaurants, and out dancing.

Here at YSB we have been very busy looking into businesses and in the next weeks I will be assisting with the management of our growing portfolio.

Until my next update!!!


Calling all entrepreneurs in Haiti!

The New Haiti Business Forum is an informal networking forum bringing together forward-thinking business leaders to share ideas about doing business in Haiti.  An event will be held the first Wednesday of each month in Petion Ville at the Miyamoto residence.