Heading off tomorrow!

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog where I’ll be cataloging and updating on my time in India!

I will be in India for the next six months as a part of an internship through Village Capital, which partners with various organizations around the world to make investments in some of the best up-and-coming companies that also have a positive social impact. VilCap is a part of a larger movement called impact investing, that operates under the idea that more traditional business approaches can be used to make the world a better place and especially help the “bottom of the pyramid.” Based on that description, it’s not hard to imagine why I found it to be so intriguing considering my background in consulting and my interest in the social sector! The organization I’ll be working with will be the Center for Innovation Incubation and Excellence (CIIE), located on the campus of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM). 

I’ve never been abroad for any extended length of time, so I’m super excited to be living in Ahmedabad. The whole process to get prepared was a bit of a hassle, but it’s almost done now (just need to finish packing). I fly out tomorrow — people, wish me luck!

I’ll be updating the blog at least weekly, so stay tuned for JoonDawg’s adventures!