Jasmin’s experience as a specialist real estate attorney and master in environmental law makes her a versatile and capable asset to any MIIS placement partner. She is proficient in analyzing the needs of clients, and requirements of investors in order to fully secure their interests. These roles, in addition to her role as head of residential and commercial mortgage bond departments, allow her to effectively manage teams and projects, legally analyze business models and its impact on land use and environmental conservation, strategize and implement plans, find workable solutions to promote sustainable development and engage various role players. Her professional experience enables her to create win-win solutions for all, and achieve a triple bottom line for entrepreneurs and impact investors. Jasmin’s ability to identify opportunities and connect corporations with entrepreneurs so that success stories are written and investment portfolios grow, is a tool that can be used by MIIS partners to further their vision. – See more at: http://www.miis.edu/student-life/world/stories/node/39631#sthash.Hp2do8Te.dpuf
- Laura Hertz
- Rebecca Willett