Off to Haiti in 1 week!!

Greetings to all. Well, I leave for Haiti in a week, and I invite you to follow me on my journey. Let me give you a brief insight into what I’m doing!

Through a partnership with my graduate school and Village Capital, I have recently completed a program called Frontier Market Scouts and now have a certificate in Social Enterprise Management and Impact Investing (go me!). What is social enterprise? Social entrepreneurship encapsulates the idea of using business to solve social problems, such as access to water. What is impact investing? Funds that support the endeavor of social enterprises. Part of the program is to apply what we’ve learned to a field assignment – that’s why I’m going to Haiti!

Why Haiti you ask? Well it turns out I’m Haitian American, I love my culture and I want to take part in making Haiti an economically stable country. I have humbly and graciously accepted an intern position with Yunus Social Business (YSB) and am beyond ecstatic.

The last time I traveled to Haiti was in 2008. By now the part of the country with which I am most familiar is most likely gone and has been replaced with new characteristics to become familiar with.  I am very curious about the progress that has been made in the country by the government and the numerous humanitarian organizations. I’m also looking forward to working with YSB and contributing to economic growth and development in my parents’ homeland.

So, in these next 6 days I will be saying my good-byes, purchasing gifts for family, and packing my one suitcase and backpack. This seems so surreal as I have been trying to get back to Haiti on an academic related trip for a year now. I love when dreams come true :)

I leave you with a picture of Wahoo Bay in Haiti.


Photo credit: Coralie Noisette

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