Karthik Devarajan

Location: Bangalore, IndiaKarthik Devarajan

Village Capital Partner: Unitus Seed Fund

Karthik is a 3rd year MD/MBA candidate at Tufts University and Brandeis University Heller School of Social Policy and Management. During his time in Boston, he has worked with various organizations and hospital departments to help improve patient outcomes at lower costs. Karthik is currently researching healthcare payment reform and operations management, and he hopes to apply these skills to alleviating health systems and delivery in developing countries. He is particularly interested in studying micro-finance and innovative health protection packages to prevent defaults secondary to ‘health-shocks’. As an undergraduate at Vanderbilt University, he studied Neuroscience and Music (classical guitar) while serving on the executive board of a science-tutoring program. Karthik has been fortunate to travel extensively through various work, volunteer, and family trips, visiting 24 countries in 6 continents. Most recently, he served as an EMT-IV and health education consultant to Daniel Alcides Carrion Hospital in Huancayo, Peru, where he lived for 3 months. In his free time he likes to cook, write music, and watch bad movies, particularly those of the Nicholas Cage caliber.

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