9th Week

This past week I have been mainly working at my seed capital sector mapping project. I must say the team has been extremely helpful in facilitating contacts and introducing me to people who might be able to help me, which is making it easier for me. I believe I am improving my people skills, which is a great thing.

As I have been involved in a lot of things lately, I still need to gain exposure to some of the accelerator programs, and I will start doing so this week. I will be in charge of organizing and running some of the Strategy Boot Camp sessions, wich are part of the services offered to the entrepreneurs thorugh the accelerator.

Aside from the work, I have visited some museums und new parts of the city, which is so huge that I feel as I wont have enough time to see it all!. I have also visited some “tianguis”, which are open air markets where people sell their crafts. I must say that I am amazed by the quality, beauty and variety of the crafts here.