The 1st Village Capital Program Seminar and Conclusion of My Internship

Week 8

The week began with planning and coordination of the first of the 5 workshops  of the Village Capital Program, which was to take place from the 10th to the 12th of August.

We confirmed the participation of the mentors and the 18 participants in the program. The program began with an inspirational speech about how Leadership transforms organizations, followed by the mentor mentee speed dating. There was an Introduction of GrowthAfica’s proprietary tool (called Value Compass™) to the participants. We concluded the the workshop with mapping exercises intended to probe for a comprehensive overview of the current state of the startups.  After the session, the team met to give feedback on the entire workshop and highlight areas that would need improvement in subsequent workshops.

I rounded off my internship at GrowthAfrica/Village Capital after setting Village program Nairobi in motion by sourcing for 67 Entrepreneurs, evaluated and selected 18 of the investible enterprises to participate in the program, recruited 11 mentors that will help entrepreneurs implement the action points that will be identified in the five workshops, planned and coordinated the 1ST of the 6 workshops.

The 1st Village Capital Program Seminar and Conclusion of My Internship