Participating in my first selection committee!

My second week in Mexico has been pretty awesome.  As I mentioned in my previous post, I was able to help with the interviewing process of some entrepreneurs, and got to know and understand their business models and products. By the end of the week the team of analysts and I had chosen about 50 companies.

We had to present these to the selection committee, which had to narrow down to 20 of them for a conference that will take place next September. I also had the opportunity to participate in the selection process, giving my input about the companies and sharing my opinion. The three main selection criteria were innovation, scalability and of course, impact.

I have reflected on the great opportunity I am having. Everyone has been including me since the very beginning, which makes me feel very well integrated within the team, and the activities I am doing are very interesting. As the organization is small, you are given much more responsibility than in a big corporation, which is allowing me to transfer academic knowledge into new practical business skills.

Although I am busy I have had some time to visit some towns around Mexico City. Mexico reminds me of Venezuela in some aspects, but it is quite different in others, and I am really enjoying and eager to get to know the Mexican way of life and culture more.