The grass really is greener in Kerala

So overall update on India living situation:

Good! I moved into my apartment with my two roommates who are really nice. It’s nice to have my own place now and not be living from hotel to hotel. I also signed up at a gym which has made life much better. Working out helps me cope with the craziness of this city!

But I wanted to focus this post on my recent trip to Kerala which is a southern state in India. I was hoping for a quiet getaway from the busy city life in Mumbai. Well I got lucky because that’s exactly what I got.

We started our Friday with a drive up to Munnar which is where most of the tea plantations exist. They scenery was amazing with the hillsides covered in tea bushes being plucked by the tea plantation workers.

Admittedly the first day I was very sick, but I decided to try to push through it to see as much as I could. The drive up to Munnar was filled with waterfalls, lush greenery and curvy, hilly roads. Although it was beautiful… needless to say it didn’t help me feel any better. When we arrived in the hotel that night I was out for the count hoping to wake up feeling better.

The next day we stopped at a tea museum and yes that was exactly my thought….how do you make a museum about tea? Well you put a lot of old antiques in a building with a few random tug-of-war photos and call it a tea museum. The best part was the warm chai tea at the end….by the way for all my chai tea lovers out there, India by far does the best!

We then headed to our houseboat which we were all excited for. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it was literally like a hotel on a boat. We got to see the beautiful backwaters of Appelley, Kerala. It was perfectly relaxing.

Overall it was a great weekend getaway with great people and new experiences.

Next trip: Delhi and the Taj Mahal….stay tuned!