Clare Seekins

Location: Nicaragua

Village Capital Partner: Agora Partnerships

Clare recently received her MA in International Affairs from the Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy at the New School in New York, NY. At the New School she worked with the Solar Decathlon where she lead the Financial Feasibility Team to conduct a financial feasibility analysis of the Empowerhouse design. Prior to graduate school, Clare spent time traveling around Latin America and has worked for various domestic and international non-profits such as the KosovarSustainability Initiative in Pristina, Kosovo, LinkTV in New York, and the Oregon Bus Project in Portland, OR. Clare also holds a BA in Anthropology and Government from the University of Virginia.

As a Frontier Market Scout, Clare will be building off of her thesis research on social entrepreneurship by working with Agora Partnerships, a social enterprise incubator and accelerator based in Managua, Nicaragua to develop plans for a Village Capital Accelerator program. She believes that social enterprise represents a promising path to development and employment generation for marginalized social sectors, and is convinced that it is the most sustainable and scalable mechanism for alleviating some of the world’s most pressing issues.

One thought on “Clare Seekins

  • March 29, 2012 at 12:51 am

    follow my adventures at @cjseeks or!


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