Ignorance is Bliss and The Need for Equilibrium

“Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.”

Immediately after reading these lines the phrase “ignorance is bliss” came to my mind. Life would be much simpler and blissful not knowing many things, but it would also lack the excitement, thrill, and fulfillment that learning provides. So Berry’s lines here gave me a feeling of release. They give a sense of permission to the reader to keep learning, even if all of the information learned is not “perfect” or “good.” In our recent 5th day event to the Slow Living Summit in Brattleboro, I had the opportunity of attending a workshop run by Vicki Robin. Robin spoke about many of her own experiences in life. In her younger days, she took on the mindset that she was going to help lead an agricultural revolution and change the world. She thought that her peers and she would be able to clear up all environmental issues before 2000. “Just a small project for the 90’s.” She described that through all of her successes and failures, she was able to learn that this project was bigger than her, her peers, and maybe even us. We need to take a responsibility in learning more and finding a solution, but we don’t have to shoulder the entire burden. I think that this is how we are able to be joyful even with all of the facts. Knowing you are not alone and there are other people to help with a solution fosters a sense of community. It creates a connection that eases your struggles and boosts your joys. I think the next two months with FoodWorks will provide that community feeling especially as we learn more about the successes and struggles of our food system.

In my own life, I like to learn about the complex and hard facts, but also take time to stop and enjoy the simple things. I think finding an equilibrium between any two things is a way to make a healthy relationship. We need to create equilibrium when pursuing a commitment to practical engagement, so that we also maintain a level of happiness. We need to create equilibrium in the relationship between the Earth, the people and all other organisms, in order to keep the planet thriving for future generations. Balance is key.