“Be joyful/though you have considered all the facts.”

“Be joyful/though you have considered all the facts.” Considering this quote, I find a release in them. This quote makes me think of  life. For example, during the academic year, we all have a lot of works. I know the facts that I have to do homework even though I do not enjoy the class or the homework is really tough, long, and boring. But we have to force ourselves to love, enjoy, and get it going by being positive about it. I try to find the benefits of the subject and think that I will learn a lot from doing the homework. Therefore, I can enjoy the class and have fun with it. Classroom can be fun when we think of it as an laboratory; we can do the experiment there and see the result at the end. So enjoy the experiment!

At Middlebury, I adopted these practices to think positively about the class and enjoy it. I tried my best in the class and accepted whatever results turned out. Even though the results were not as great as I would like it to be, I think I have learned something from the class and I definitely will improve myself in the future. Just forget about the past and focus in the present.

For the next two months, I know that I have to deal with both stuff that I like and I don’t like, but I should be optimistic. For instance, I know that some days I have to pull weeds all day long, which is a boring and tolerance-needed stuff. However, when I see my garden looks beautiful and my plants grow well, I satisfy in the effort that I have put in. Moreover, not only me but also other people in the school will be delightful to see a nice garden and they are able to get the fresh produce right from the garden. Finally all of us are happy for the result. 🙂

3 thoughts on ““Be joyful/though you have considered all the facts.”

  • June 12, 2014 at 7:37 pm

    Hi Beam,

    I really like the way you stay positive about what is going on in life! I love your optimism and completely agree that it is the way one looks at things and the way one chooses to feel about something that matter the most. There are going to be ups and downs in life, and we will live every day, grow old and leave the world (eventually) no matter if we feel happy or sad about things. So, why not be happy and look at the bright side? ;p

  • June 9, 2014 at 1:46 pm

    Well put Boonsita. The point about living in the present especially resonates with me. Only if we can find a way to feel good about ourselves can we do good work. And this is possible if we focus on the present. I think Berry’s line reflects this sentiment. With all of the injustice in the world, it may be difficult to have the motivation to effect change. But if we are able to block out this injustice, we are able to do good work.

  • June 9, 2014 at 11:07 am

    Well put Boonsita. The point about living in the present especially resonates with me. Only if we can find a way to feel good about ourselves can we do good work. And this is possible if we focus on the present. I think Berry’s line reflects this sentiment. With all of the injustice in the world, it may be difficult to have the motivation to effect change. But if we are able to block out this injustice, we are able to do good work.

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