
Her Track Record at HP

Carly emphasizes her leadership experience based on her accomplishment as being the first woman to run Hewitt-Packard, but her effectiveness in the position has been contested

  • While she was at HP, the company was said to have lost half of its value
  • During the six years that she was at HP the stock prices fell 52%, but on the day she was fired they increased 7%
  • Portfolio magazine named Carly the 19th worst CEO of all time
  • 30,000 layoffs occurred during her tenure at HP.

A consummate self-promoter, Fiorina was busy pontificating on the lecture circuit and posing for magazine covers while her company floundered — Portfolio

Sources 123

Her Lack of Political Experience 

Although being a political outsider in the 2016 election is not necessarily disadvantageous, Carly’s lack of political experience is something that has been called attention to.

  • She cites her foreign policy experience based on her meeting with Vladimir Putin
  • During her childhood she traveled to numerous countries and during her tenure at HP, she had contact with several world leaders.  She uses these travels to compare her foreign policy experience to other political outsiders and even to Hillary Clinton
  • Carly claims she knows how to defeat ISIS based on her degree in medieval history from Stanford
  • Her national security and foreign policy plans have been proven illogical and implausible by critic

It all sounds good, but in overall strategic terms these proposals are paper thin — National Review

I don’t think that compares to the experience you get as a United States senator for six years or certainly of being secretary of state — Ann Lewis (Clinton campaign advisor)

Sources: 12

Her Stance on Planned Parenthood

One of the strongest stances that Carly Fiorina has taken as a candidate has been her extreme denunciation of Planned Parenthood.

  • In the September 16th debate, Carly challenged her Democratic opponents and Obama to watch an alleged video of a fetus on a Planned Parenthood operating table.  The claim in the video is that the baby was needed to be kept alive so its brain could be harvested.
  • These proclamations against Planned Parenthood surfaced at a crucial time, when Congress was dealing with the possible defunding of the organization.  However, Carly’s statements have largely been proven false.
  • Carly has most recently received criticism for her extremist point of view leading to incidents of violence against Planned Parenthood, such as in the case of the recent attack in Colorado Springs
  • She has since been judged for her reaction to the shooting when she appeared on Sunday Fox News

The footage Fiorina described does not exist — Michael Scherer, Time

Carly Fiorina’s Response to the Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Tone-Deaf — Refinery 29

Sources: 123


Overall, Carly has been critiqued heavily on the veracity and credibility of her claims, whether they involve her track record at HP, her political and foreign policy experience, her stance on Planned Parenthood, or other contentious topics such as climate change.




