Category Archives: workshops

Stress, Your Brain, & Productivity

Presented by: Porter Knight, Productivity Vermont

Friday May 2, 2014 from 9:00 -11:00 a.m. Location: Library 201

Workshop Overview

When you’re overwhelmed and feeling stress, it’s hard to stay focused and productive. This workshop will show you how to think and organize yourself out of chaos. Understanding neuroscience and the physiological responses of your brain will allow you to boost awareness and hone decision-making, increasing productivity. Click here to register


Explore Embodiment

Parton Counseling & Dharma Door Retreat present…



J-TERM – Friday’s – 1:00 – 2:30pm – Mitchell Green

Dates: 1/10 – 1/17- 1/24 – 1/31

This 4-week workshop hosted by Dharma Door Retreat invites students to learn the language of the body from the inside out through the practices of yoga and somatic movement. In the context of self-discovery and openness, participants will learn to cultivate awareness and understanding of their relationships to themselves, others & their environment through direct somatic experiences. Students will learn principles practiced in Yoga, Somatic Awareness, & Mindfulness. Please join us for this fun series! Dress comfortably, and bring a yoga mat if you can. No prior experience is required.

Pre – Registration encouraged, drop-in’s welcome!

To pre-register: Contact Donna Stark at 802-443-5141

or email Jennifer at

MEET DHARMA DOOR: Dharma Door is a community retreat space in Underhill, VT owned by Abbi Jaffe. Abbi embodies authenticity, playfulness and dances contact improvisation as often as possible. She has been creating emotionally and physically safe spaces for exploration and expansion for over 10 years, and leads workshops around New England. Abbi will be joined by Amanda Franz. Amanda has been studying, teaching, and performing various somatic movement modalities for the past 10 years around United States and in Canada.

Mindfulness, Stress Relief and The Art of Being Enough

Do you ever feel like the pressure and high stakes of college are weighing you down? The Counseling Center presents an 8-week interactive workshop that will give you tools and strategies designed to help ease your stress, quiet your inner critic, and enhance your personal wellbeing and academic success. Lessons, discussion and practical exercises will cover a range of topics, including: Introduction to Mindfulness; The Pressure of Perfectionism; Letting Go of “Should”; The Pros and Cons of Worry; Shifting From Anxiety to Excitement.

Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:30 pm, February 27 – April 24; Forest Hall, East Lounge

For More Information or To Register:  or 443-5143


How Can I Learn About Technology? Workshops and More!

With a host of new faces on campus and the start of the fall semester now underway, Library & Information Services (LIS) wants to spread the word that we provide a variety of learning opportunities for faculty, staff and students to acquire or improve their library and information technology skills.  Our open workshop offerings are just one of these ways; LIS staff offer workshops here on campus that are open to the College community.  To view the current schedule and sign up for topics of interest, visit go/lisworkshops.  Check back as we are still adding offerings!

We also offer self-paced learning through  — a fabulous online learning resource that uses short videos to help you acquire new business and technology skills.  This is available to faculty, staff, and current students.

For more details about learning opportunities visit go/lislearn.