Category Archives: Staff Council

Join us for Staff and Faculty Skate Night!

Staff Council invites staff, faculty, and their families to Skate Night! Join Staff Council for an evening of roller skating at Skateland in Essex Junction. Cost is $10 per person and includes skate rental. Food is available for purchase at the snack bar.

Saturday, May 2
4:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M.
$10 per person
Skateland Vermont

If you think you might attend, we would like to get a rough count for staffing at Skateland.

BUS TRIP to Boston

flower show

Beat the winter blues with a BUS TRIP to Boston, MA for the 2015 Flower & Garden Show
Sponsored by Middlebury College Staff Council
Get out of town! Enjoy a day of no driving and take in the sites of Boston, MA

Saturday, March 14th

Bus leaves the Service Building at 6:30AM
(please be on time the bus won’t wait!)

Drop-offs Boston, MA
o Seaport World Trade Center (Flower Show) 10ish

Within walking distance:
New England Aquarium
Quincy Market

 Pick-ups Boston, MA
o Seaport World Trade Center (Flower Show) 5:30PM

$43 per person (bus only-all other tickets on your own)

Reservations are first come first serve, open to all Middlebury College Staff and their guests. Limit 3 reservations (seats) per person.
Reservations go on sale Tuesday, February 24 at 10 AM through the Middlebury Box Office online, by phone 443-3168, or stop in McCullough or Mahaney Center for the Arts. Reservations are non-refundable.
Questions? or x-5258

Nominations for Staff Council Representatives

The end of the academic year means it’s election time for Staff Council.
Join Staff Council and help our fellow staff members have a voice.

This year there are five districts that will need to elect new representatives.  The five districts are District C, District D, District K (Dining), District L (LIS), and the Member at Large (a staff member from any district).

We will be seeking nominations April 23rd  to May 2nd.  Please watch for an email from Staff Council for the link to nominate yourself or someone else.

Once all the nominations have been received we will reach out to the people who were nominated to see if they would like to be featured at the top of the elections ballot.

Elections will be held May 19th through May 30th and the winners will be announced the week of June 9th.

For more information check out Staff Council web page at

You may also contact the current Staff Council representative for these districts, if you would like more information about serving.

District C:  Wayne Darling, x5996
District D:  Brook Escobedo, x5028
District K (Dining): Ken Pierce, x5807
District L (LIS): Arabella Holzapfel, x5284
Member at Large: Ashley Laux, x3099

Staff Council Meeting Wednesday, April 9th

Please join us for our monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 9th. Our guest speaker this month is Mike Thomas, Associate Vice President for Finance & Assistant Treasurer.



Wednesday, April 9, 2014

9:00 am to 10:30 am

Crest Room

9:00 a.m. Open meeting and introductions

9:05 a.m. Guest Speaker Mike Thomas

9:35 a.m. Approval of minutes

  • March 2014 Meeting

9:40 a.m. Committee Reports

  • Community Council
  • HR-6
  • Publicity and Events Committee
  • Safety and Environment Committee
  • Election Committee
  • Staff Development Committee
  • Compensation Committee
  • Web Prioritization Committee

10:00 a.m. Old Business

  • Employee “Perks” Update.
  • Retirement Transition Update
  • Boston Trip details

10:15 a.m. New Business

  • Updating the MCSC webpage
  • Set ice cream social date

10:30 a.m. Adjournment

Staff Council meeting Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Please join us for our monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 12 from 9-10:30 a.m. in the Crest Room in McCullough. Our guest speaker this month is Erin Quinn.

We also have a Learning Lunch on the Digital Liberal Arts on March 11th at 12:15 p.m. at the Mitchell Green Lounge in McCullough.

Here’s the full agenda.

9:00 a.m. Open meeting and introductions

9:05 a.m. Approval of minutes

  • February 2014 Meeting

9:10 a.m. Committee Reports

  • Community Council
  • HR-6
  • Publicity and Events Committee
  • Safety and Environment Committee
  • Election Committee
  • Staff Development Committee
  • Compensation Committee
  • Web Prioritization Committee

9:30 a.m. Guest Speaker Erin Quinn to talk about Athletics. Also going over the process of locker room locker assignments

10:00 a.m. Old Business

  • Employee “perks” Card

10:15 a.m. New Business

10:30 a.m. Adjournment

Staff Council regular meetings are open to all Middlebury College staff members. Staff members should let their supervisors know if there is a particular meeting they wish to attend. Supervisors will seek to find a positive balance between addressing operational needs and support staff requests to attend these meetings.