Category Archives: professional development

MiddLab Data Workshops – Summer 2022 Series

We are happy to announce the summer 2022 series of our MiddLab Data Workshops! Our workshops are discipline-inclusive and are open to students, faculty, and staff across the institution, from the sciences to the humanities and beyond.

  • Organizing and Managing Research Data
  • Resource and Citation Management with Zotero
  • Designing Better Data Visualizations
  • Introduction to R and R Studio
  • Data Wrangling in R with dplyr and tidyr
  • Creating High Quality Graphics in R with ggplot2
  • Introduction to Text Mining in R
  • Introduction to Geospatial Data in R
  • The Terminal and the Command Line (parts I & II)
  • Python (parts I & II)
  • Linux at Middlebury
  • High-Performance Computing and Slurm at Middlebury

To learn more about the individual workshops and to register, please visit:

Because of space constraints and geographic inclusion, we will be holding this year’s workshops virtually via Zoom. Zotero workshops will have a limited number of in-person seats.


Get Organized, Get Along, And Get Results!

A Workshop delivered by: Porter Knight

Wednesday, April 29th from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Crest Room
Light refreshments provided

click here to register

The hours in a day are finite yet the demands on your time seem limitless. How can you effectively get your work done when you’re pulled in so many different directions? This workshop will put you back in charge of your day so you can focus on what’s important. You’ll learn:
• The one tool you need to make every day sane
• Six steps to managing flow of paper and data
• The real problem with email and how to conquer it
• Five strategies to counteract the myths of time management
• Three components of a “balanced” schedule

Once you’ve mastered your own productivity, how can you best interact with others? Getting results is what matters. But productive communications is more than getting people to do what you want – it’s a two-way street that requires thought and skill. We’ll teach you strategies to:
• Manage expectations with two magic words
• Hear and be heard every time
• Cope with interruptions
• Say “No” effectively
• Minimize conflict and maintain your cool

Join us for this lively and interactive program. We’ll include time for discussion so that you can plan how best to apply these ideas. You’ll leave with tools you can put in place immediately for a more effective and peaceful work day.

*Though there is some new material, this workshop includes most of the core components that Porter Knight has presented in past years and in other formats, including: GEARS of Organizing, RRRIPP through paper, RRRIDD yourself of email, TrueTime Planning.

*What’s in this session that is also in the Stress, Neuroscience & Productivity session: small reference to brain function, point of the decision, balanced scheduling, and dealing with conflict.

Professional Development Workshops Presented by John Tallmadge

Join us for professional development workshops presented by John Tallmadge, an educational and literary consultant (who is the author of Meeting the Tree of Life: A Teacher’s Path), on Friday, March 6th, in the CTLR Suite in the Davis Family Library. John has worked with a number of Middlebury faculty. To sign up, please visit

The three workshops on Friday are:

12:15-1:20 pm Workshop 1 – Staying Alive in the Beginning and Warrior Phases of a Career (for junior and term faculty) – This workshop is primarily for junior faculty as well as to those not on the tenure track and deals with the challenges of leading a balanced life during the beginning and warrior phases of one’s career. Lunch included.

1:30-2:30 pm Workshop 2 – Academic Publishing: from leveraging the dissertation to rendering mature work into articles and books (for all ranks) – This workshop, designed for both junior and senior faculty, deals with the nuts and bolts of academic publishing, both for those just getting started and for those whose experience may feel a bit out of date; it covers journals (print and online) as well as books.

2:45-3:45 pm Workshop 3 – Staying Vital in the Citizen and Later Phases of a Career: leadership, mentoring, and retirement (for senior faculty) – This workshop engages senior faculty in the citizen and later phases of their careers, when leadership calls and retirement looms (or beckons) and the challenges of leading a balanced, healthy life can feel particularly acute.