Category Archives: Moodle

Canvas Is Coming

Starting in Fall 2016, Middlebury will adopt Canvas for use across the institution—the undergraduate College, the Institute in Monterey, the summer Language Schools, the Bread Loaf School of English, and the Schools Abroad. And while the institution’s Moodle instance will remain intact until January, for most people accustomed to using Moodle, the change may come with a few hard turns. And even for those new to using any learning management system, the affordances of Canvas may go undetected. Additionally, the speed at which teachers and students must become familiar with a new platform can mean we don’t take full advantage of what a new digital tool offers.

Fortunately, the Office of Digital Learning is here to offer some pedagogical support for new and continuing Canvas users. Take a look at their blog post about some of the ways Canvas can be a great online and classroom tool.