Category Archives: Midd/MIIS Collaboration

The Middlebury Climate Change Semester: Inaugural Program Begins

January 24, 2022 | by Rachel Christopherson

January 2022 marked the start of the first-ever Middlebury Climate Change Semester program, a unique and much anticipated collaboration between Middlebury College in Vermont, and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) at Monterey.  Undergraduate students from Middlebury College have joined graduate students at MIIS to study place-based examples of climate change, environmental history, and environmental justice.

LEARN MORE: Middlebury Climate Change Semester

The seven students (and one program coordinator) who kicked off the Middlebury Climate Change Semester at Jack’s Peak Park in Monterey, California

Art collaboration leads to new exhibits at the College and Institute

The Middlebury College Museum of Art and the Middlebury Institute’s Committee on Art in Public Places partnered to temporarily move Pre-Columbian pottery on display at the Institute to the College Museum of Art for study in Anthropology courses taught by Professor James Fitzsimmons.

The Middlebury College Museum of Art transferred the exhibit “Being There: Photographs by James P. Blair” for display at the Middlebury Institute’s Samson Center Reading Room.

The Middlebury community is encouraged to view the James P. Blair photos in the Samson Reading room on the Monterey campus and to stay tuned for an exhibit featuring the Pre-Columbian pieces at the Middlebury College Museum of Art.

College students participate in Institute JTerm programs in Monterey and Cuba

This January five Middlebury College students and one alumnus participated in the following Middlebury Institute courses:

Traveling Cuba’s National Freeway: The Road to Revolution

The Cuban Revolution was not just a historical event; on the contrary, it is an ongoing project. Led by Dr. George Henson, this course focused not only on the historical and geographical roots of the Cuban Revolution but also its present-day political, economic, diplomatic, and cultural realities, as they relate to education, healthcare, tourism, international relations, and trade. Correlative topics of race, gender, LGBT activism, the arts, and sports were also covered.

International Development and Social Change

Students developed skills in program design, evaluation, strategic partnering, and facilitation of projects supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Students also conducted appreciative inquiry interviews with local noprofits including Read to Me, Gathering for Women, Peacocke Acres, Big Sur Land Trust, and First Five Monterey County.

Frontier Market Scouts Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing

Frontier Market Scouts selects and trains compassionate and capable professionals to become talent scouts and investment managers serving local entrepreneurs and social-minded investors in low-income and weak-capital regions of the world. 

FMS training instructors are leading practitioners in the impact space and work with organizations that include Omidyar NetworkCordes Foundation, Accion Venture Lab, and Unreasonable Group. Through the combination of teachings and applicable projects, participants walk away with a comprehensive understanding of who the key players in the impact sector are, how to design an innovative impact-focused business model, and what it takes to implement and scale a social venture.

Institute to Welcome Prof. Pieter Broucke for Spring Course on Public Space and Development

Professor of History, Art, and Architecture, Pieter Broucke, will teach a spring graduate course at the Institute on Public Space and Development March 23-April 10.

Architecture may be defined as the deliberate transformation of the natural environment into a cultural environment. It should also be seen as a means for building (literally!) sustainable solutions to problems pertaining to public space, access, and identity. In this course, students will explore the intersection between architecture and development through case-studies that range from the large to the small, all centered on a number of typologies: markets, schools, places of worship, clinics, transportation nodes, water points and more. Students will work in teams to analyze existing solutions to significant development problems that involve the use of public space. They will then create alternative solution strategies that incorporate systems thinking, human-centered design, development theory, and, sound public policy.

Fund for Innovation International Security Simulation to Host 6 College Students in Monterey September 5-6

MIIS Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism Deputy Director Kris McGuffie (College and Institute alumna) will be traveling to Vermont in March to provide information on an International Security Simulation taking place in Monterey September 5-6. There are six funded spots for College students to travel to Monterey to participate. Contact for more information.

Institute Holds 3-day Training on Restorative Practices

In effort to build community and foster more collaborative decision-making, the Middlebury Institute held a three-day training on restorative practices in mid-November on the campus in Monterey.

These practices are emerging many student life departments in universities, but can be applied more widely to foster creativity, collaboration, and well-being at the workplace. The training was guided by facilitators from the International Institute for Restorative Practices.

This training was also offered on the College campus several times in the recent past.

Future training are likely in the works, but interested faculty and staff can learn more at the  International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP):

·         What is Restorative Practices?

·         Defining Restorative

o    Social Discipline Window

o    Restorative Practices Continuum

o    Nine Affects and the Compass of Shame

o    Fair Process

o    Restorative Conferences (including the restorative questions)

o    Circles

Ask any of these training participants about their experience to learn more:

Ashley Arrocha, Student Services

Laura Burian, Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation, and Language Education

Jeff Dayton-Johnson, VP Academic Affairs

Lydia Gentry, Library

Alisyn Gruener, Student Services

Jeni Henrickson, Office of Digital Learning & Inquiry

Rana Issa, Language Studies Faculty

Pamela Jungerberg, Library

Carolyn Taylor Meyer, Immersive Professional Learning

Betty Nguyen, Events Management

Grace O’Dell, Center for Advising & Career Services

Melissa Sorenson, Organizational Development

Patricia Szasz, Language and Professional Programs

Toni Thomas, Academics

Scott Webb, Center for Advising & Career Services

Julianne Merry, Alumna MAIEM ’15

Thanks to Melissa Sorenson for organizing this training with the IIRP.

Middlebury Institute professor of Nonproliferation offers lecture at Middlebury College

Middlebury Institute professor lectures on U.S. strategy and Syrian chemical weapons

As Syria descended into civil war in 2011-2012, what had once seemed unimaginable – that the regime might use that country’s chemical weapons (CW) against its own people – became a horrifying reality. Syria’s possession and eventual use of CW confronted the international community with a difficult challenge. The United States, sometimes working with France and the United Kingdom, responded by employing a strategy of coercion. U.S. coercive threats aimed both to deter chemical attacks and to compel the Syrian government to give up its chemical arsenal. This approach, initiated under President Obama, continued under President Trump, eventually led to two rounds of air strikes against Syria. This talk will assess the effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) of these efforts and attempt to determine the lessons that should be learned for future policies that seek to deal with so-called weapons of mass destruction.

Jeff Knopf is a professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, where he serves as chair of the M.A. program in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies. He is also a research affiliate with the Institute’s Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) and with the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University.

Institute Displays Global Impact Piece by Henry Simonds

The Middlebury Institute William Tell Coleman library now displays one piece from Henry Simond’s Global Impact exhibit. A contemporary photographer, installation artist, exhibition curator, and film producer, Henry J. Simonds sees himself first and foremost as an interpreter of culture. As the self-styled “Chief Sphaeralogist of the International Sphaeralogical Society” he has meticulously explored and documented the wonderful world of the “Super Ball,” the bouncy toy inveted by Norman Stingley in 1965. One of the 21 close-up views of this toy is on display in the Middlebury Institute library. A second close-up view is on display in Old Chapel at Middlebury College. The remaining pieces will be distributed to the Middlebury Schools Abroad campuses. This will be the first installation that spans the entire Middlebury campus network. 

The MIIS Committee for Art in Public Places (CAPP) is collaborating with the College CAPP by sending representatives to each campus through an innovation grant. Prof. Peter Broucke, Director of Art at Middlebury College, presented a lecture on Institutional (Art) History at Monterey: The “Spanish Lady” Painting in February. The lecture includes a discussion on the work by Ignacio Zuloago (1870-1945) referred to as “the Spanish Lady” that resides in the Middlebury Institute Lara Soto Adobe. Broucke discussed how Zuloaga’s nationalistic politics aligned with his art and the path that brought the painting from pre-WWII Spain to Monterey, California, by way Claude Kinnoull, a British countess, who played a key role in the founding of the Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies, now the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, at the height of the Cold War.

Record Number of College and Institute Students Participating in Joint Summer Internship Programs

Through collaborations spanning the College and Institute, undergraduate and graduate students will complete summer internships in their desired fields.

The Middlebury Social Impact Corps program has sent students to the following three locations:

United Way Monterey County (Monterey, California)

Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development (Cusco, Peru)

Cape Eleuthera Institute (The Bahamas)

Middlebury Institute and Middlebury College students are also serving the following organizations:

Team4Tech internship (San Francisco and Costa Rica)

Baan Wiang Phan School (Thailand)

These opportunities are customized to offer a professionally and personally rewarding work experience to students at the undergraduate and graduate level.

April 17, 2019 | Defense Against the Digital Dark Arts 101: What Is Going On with Your Personal Information?

The Office of Digital Learning & Inquiry (DLINQ) recently launched the Defense Against the Digital Dark Arts (DADDA) initiative. Our first DADDA conversation will show you how websites are collecting your personal information, and will show you some simple strategies for understanding and managing the information that is being collected about you. This introductory session is open to all. Learn more about the session and sign-up to attend at

Monterey welcomes 11 College students for JTerm programs

College students complete the FMS Certificate in Social Enterprise Management and Impact Investing. Pictured left to right: Julien Souffrant, Peter Davis, James Scott, Matthew Lantin, Grant Schultz, and Kwame Mukasa. Photo taken by MIIS graduate student Erwin Alberty (MIDD ’06).

The Middlebury Institute welcomed six Middlebury College undergraduates for the Frontier Market Scouts Certificate in Social Enterprise Management and Impact Investing in addition to five students participating in the Program on Design, Partnering, Management and Innovation (DPMI.

This was the largest number of College students to date participating in on-campus Monterey programs during January. This is due to the Frontier Market Scouts program admitting undergraduates from the College for the first time.

The College students participated alongside Middlebury Institute graduate students and current professionals in both the FMS and DPMI programs. They were a welcome addition to both programs!