Category Archives: language learning

News from the Office of Digital Learning


The Office of Digital Learning has recently begun a series on our blog about the newly-formed information environmentalism movement as an integral part of cultivating digital fluency. As Amy Collier writes in her post Attending to the Information Environment of the Web, “Misinformation on the web is polarizing us, it’s radicalizing us, and we should be paying attention.” Amy makes a call for higher education in general — and Middlebury in particular —  to lead the way in improving our information ecosystem. To learn more about information environmentalism, and to join in, we invite you to begin by reading Amy’s post.

To learn more about other projects and initiatives supported by the Office of Digital Learning, we invite you to peruse This Week in ODL, a series on our blog where readers can find updates on the projects, news, and developments underway at our office. And don’t forget to check our Projects page where you can find descriptions of and links to our many projects.


The ODL has an active blog and we would love to count you among our regular readers! To receive blog updates in your inbox, subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list. While you’re there, we hope you’ll check out our latest blog posts:

News from the Office of Digital Learning


Are you curious about what the Office of Digital Learning is up to? As always, we provide our readers with a weekly series on our blog called This Week in ODL where the inquisitive mind can easily find updates on the projects, news, and developments underway at our office. We invite you to click here for a complete listing of our weekly updates. And don’t forget to check our Projects page where you can find descriptions and links to our many projects.


The ODL has an active blog and we would love to count you among our regular readers! To receive blog updates in your inbox, subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list. While you’re there, we hope you’ll check out our latest blog posts:



Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Design and the Beauty of Palimpsests, Pedagogical Implications of Modeling for Beginners, Reading the LMS Against the Backdrop of Critical Pedagogy, Digital Sanctuary, and More!

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning:

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Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Saying No to Best Practices, Tech Prep for the Language Schools, Inside Higher Ed Interview with Sean Morris, BreadCast Launch, and More!

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning:

Want to receive blog updates in your inbox? Subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list!

Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: School of Russian Pre-Immersion Site Launch, Amy Collier to Keynote at Camp Open, BOLD Community Hub, Sean Michael Morris at Domains 17, Spanish Teaching Community of Practice, and More!

Check out the latest news from the Office of Digital Learning:

Want to receive blog updates in your inbox? Subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list!

Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: ODL Summer Interns, Digital School of Russian, School in Morocco Pre-Immersion, & More!

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning:

Want to receive blog updates in your inbox? Subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list!

Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: AALAC Digital Language Learning Workshop, Digital Annotation Workshop with Jeremy Dean, The Digital Does Not Compute, and More!

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning:

Want to receive blog updates in your inbox? Subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list!

Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Digital Sanctuary, ODL at Domains 17, Digital Learning Internship, Daily Connect Pilot Launch, Listening for Community, and More!

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning:

Want to receive blog updates in your inbox? Subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list!

Blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Digital language and assessments, distance collaboration, intellectual property, and more!

dig-learn-11-2Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning:

The rutabaga: What to do with the digital

Language learning and the digital

Advice for working across distance

Envisioning distance collaboration

Moodle to Canvas: Language assessment transitions

What does Middlebury’s new IP policy mean for you? (Part 1)

Want to receive blog updates in your inbox? Subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list!