Category Archives: Institutional News

Workplace Etiquette – Holiday Tipping and Solicitation

The holiday season is right around the corner and as certain to appear as wreaths and menorahs are the perennial issues of workplace tipping and the solicitation of donations for office parties or gifts. While no doubt tipping and soliciting for gifts or parties are both prompted by good will and the desire to share the joy and bounty of the season such practices can (and sometimes do) inadvertently have the opposite effect.  In fact, each year the Administration, Middlebury Staff Council and the Human Resources Department receive feedback from numerous members of our community who feel uncomfortable about one or both of these holiday practices. Because of the inherent inequity in tipping, and of perceived pressure to contribute to office parties or gifts the Administration, MSC and the Human Resources Department discourage tipping of individual employees and urge caution when soliciting for parties or gifts.

Instead of cash tipping, employees who would like to recognize individual staff are encouraged to do so with a thank-you and/or a card, and if there is a strong desire to do more, to consider a non-monetary treat that can be shared among co-workers. For example sending in sweets or bagels and coffee to share at a December staff meeting can be a great way to express your appreciation.  (Consider contacting the employee’s manager to discuss what might work well in the specific workgroup.)

Employees (especially managers) are asked to be sensitive when organizing holiday gatherings and/or soliciting donations for gifts. Please keep in mind that not everyone celebrates the same holidays (or any holidays), that not everyone is equally in a position to make a donation (either of money or goods) and that some people are simply not interested in doing so. While the myriad of year-end holidays can provide a wonderful opportunity for workgroups to come together socially – and such gatherings can be completely appropriate in the workplace – please do be sensitive to the varying beliefs, interests and resources of ALL of your colleagues as plans are made.  With a little care and planning celebrations and get-togethers can be fun and comfortable for any and all employees who choose to participate.

Best wishes for a happy – and stress-free – holiday season!

-Cheryl Mullins

Welcome to Middlebury’s Office of the General Counsel

Visit the new Office of the General Counsel website to learn more about Hannah Ross, how the General Counsel’s office works, important legal facts, how and when to use outside counsel, important resources and more.  Click here to learn more!

2017-18 Thanksgiving and December Holiday Schedules for the Middlebury Enterprise

All U.S.-based Middlebury operations will observe the following November and December holiday schedule:

Thanksgiving Break: Will begin at 5:01 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 and will end at 11:59 p.m. Saturday, November 25 (regular operations resume Sunday, November 26.)



December Break:  Will begin at 5:01 p.m. Friday, December 22 and will end at 11:59 p.m. Monday, January 1 (regular operations resume Tuesday, January 2, 2018)

2017 Employee Engagement Survey – Your Voice Matters!

On October 3, President Patton sent an email encouraging us all to participate in an institution-wide employee engagement survey from the Chronicle of Higher Education’s “Great Colleges to Work For” program.  The survey will come to you via email on October 9 from  and will be open for approximately two weeks.  Be sure to check your email from President Patton for the details and you can click here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.  Your voice matters!



A New Look and Features for the Middpoints Blog Page!

midd-points-screenshotThe revitalization of the MiddPoints newsletter continues with an exciting new look to the blog’s home page, thanks to the efforts of Evelyn Helminen, Assistant Director for Digital Initiatives, Digital Learning Commons. The changes are more than just aesthetic- the new theme for the blog has some exciting features as well.

Visitors to the MiddPoints Blog may now sort all of the postings by several major categories, including Institutional News, Human Resources, and Wellness.

The blog also features a revised “About MiddPoints” section, which includes updated posting instructions.

Another helpful new feature is the addition of submission forms. The first of these allows employees to submit travel information between campuses for inclusion in Middpoints. A second submission forms has been created for employees or supervisors to submit a New Employee Announcement to the newsletter. To use these forms, one only needs to enter text into the required fields and click the submit button. A post will then be created using the information.

Finally, visitors may also view a copy of the most recent email newsletter by clicking the “Latest Newsletter” button at the top of the home page.

We hope that you are as excited as we are by these improvements, and your feedback is welcome!


Human Resources

Vendor Demonstrations for Administrative Information Systems

All are invited to attend vendor demonstrations to help us compare the current administrative systems we use for financial management, payroll and human resource management, student services, and advancement against other software.

Overview sessions that are of interest to everybody are outlined below. There are many more sessions that you are welcome to attend. For the complete calendar and agendas visit the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium’s website.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the demonstrations and to receiving your feedback via surveys.

Please address any questions to Corinna Noelke, the Consortium’s executive director, or visit the Consortium’s website.

Overview Sessions:

Date Time (EST) Vendor Middlebury Room MIIS Room Live at
10/31 8:30-9:45 ERP: Campus Management Library 105A&B Casa Fuentes 330 Middlebury
11/2 8:30-9:15 ERP: Unit4 Library 145 Casa Fuentes 330 Champlain
11/7 8:30-9:45 ERP: Workday Library 145 Casa Fuentes 330 Champlain
11/9 8:30-9:45 ERP: Oracle Library 105B Casa Fuentes 330 St. Mike’s