Category Archives: HR


There are currently 2 faculty positions, 48 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 3 internal job postings on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities:

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal posting search filter that was highlighted in this MiddPoints article.

On-call/Temporary Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs-sh (on campus), (off campus)


There are currently 1 faculty position, 49 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 1 internal job posting on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities:

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal posting search filter that was highlighted in this MiddPoints article.

On-call/Temporary Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs-sh (on campus), (off campus)

June EFAP News: Learning for a Lifetime of Development

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Lifelong Learning

We live in a fast paced world where everything from technology to standard classroom basics is evolving at a swift rate. Staying current not only helps you in your career, but also improves your overall health and wellness.

It used to be assumed that as we age, our ability to understand new concepts diminished. Some studies even reported that learning ability declined around 1% every year after an individual reached 25. New studies have debunked this. What slows down is the speed of learning, only slightly, not the ability to grasp, learn, and implement new concepts.

Young adults may able to memorize information faster or stay focused longer; however, older adults are better at using information along with life experience to problem solve and brainstorm solutions. Think about it, the typical worker today will have six or more “careers” within their lifetime. Such experience is valuable in analyzing current situations and providing solutions based on life experience.


Many studies are currently recording and reviewing the direct health benefits of lifelong learning. Early studies are showing adults who engage in formal or informal education reap numerous benefits such as emotional balance, a healthy social life, improved memory function, and increased overall happiness. Adults are often afraid to learn new concepts, new software, or new procedures, but research clearly demonstrates that mental stimulation helps adults maintain cognitive functioning.

We understand that we need to feed our body nutritious food and engage in regular exercise for optimal health and wellness; your brain also needs fuel (from healthy foods and nutrients), rest (from adequate sleep), and cognitive stimulation (learning new subjects, playing games, and group engagement). Imagine such stimuli as the fitness club for your brain.


Take a class. Choose something you have always been interested in, but never had the time to pursue. This may be a collegiate subject such as public speaking, or a fine arts subject such painting with water colors. Many universities offer free or discounted classes, both online and in the classroom. Check their websites. Several Ivy League universities have partnered with organizations to provide such classes. Also several universities allow you to “audit” a class, where you enjoy the class, learn the concepts, but don’t have to “test” for an actual grade. Similarly, search community organizations and businesses for interesting opportunities. Your local hardware store probably schedules several free workshop classes a year, or sign up for that dance class you have always wanted to take.

Play a game. Learning new board games, card games, or playing stimulating smart phone apps engages and challenges your brain. Several games, especially smart phone apps, are scientifically designed to keep your brain mentally fit. Or join a weekly card game group. Many community organizations post these on their websites.

Challenge yourself. Try a new recipe or experiment with an old standby recipe. Tackle that project around the house – research and study how to do it, make your plan, recruit some assistants, and then do it.

Be social.  Actively engaging in relationships and conversations not only stimulates your brain, but also improves your overall happiness. Join a walking club or make a standing commitment with a friend for lunch every week.

Henry Ford voiced some insightful advice on adult learning: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”


FREE Webinar:

College Transition

June 21st 

12-1pm and 3-4pm EST

11-12am and 2-3pm CST

10-11am and 1-3pm MST

9-10am and

12-1pm PST

Preparing for college can be a daunting task. This webinar addresses both the psychological and financial aspects of this new phase of life as well as mapping out a timeline of important milestones in the college process (e.g., standardized testing, applications, admissions, and financial aid).

REGISTER TODAY! Space is limited

Click on the time you would like to attend above.

You can also log on to with your username and password. On the homepage, click on “UPCOMING WEBINARS,” and follow the easy instructions.

Unable to make it to the scheduled webinars? 

We have them archived for your convenience. Visit click on E4 University, then click on Webinars to search by  webinar title. 


Counseling to help you identify and achieve educational goals.

Online learning via our webinar, “College Transition” on Tuesday, June 21st.

Daily living support to help locate personalized educational resources for yourself or your family members.

Consultation with a financial specialist who can provide ideas for financial aid.



For whatever work or life issue is on your mind, or for anything related to daily living that you could use some extra help with, let us be your resource. It’s free, it’s confidential, and it’s available to you, as well as your family and household members.

e4health administers the College’s EFAP program.  To access their comprehensive web site, with many tools and articles, go to the e4health web site.
Username:  middlebury college
Password:    guest
Or call them at: 800-828-6025
(phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)


There are currently 1 faculty position, 51 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 3 internal job postings on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities:

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal posting search filter that was highlighted in this MiddPoints article.

On-call/Temporary Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs-sh (on campus), (off campus)

HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot

There are currently 1 faculty position, 48 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 4 internal job postings on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities:

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal posting search filter that was highlighted in this MiddPoints article.

On-call/Temporary Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs-sh (on campus), (off campus)

HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot

There are currently 3 faculty positions, 47 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 1 internal job posting on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities:

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal posting search filter that was highlighted in this MiddPoints article.

On-call/Temporary Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs-sh (on campus), (off campus)

HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot

There are currently 3 faculty positions, 42 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 5 internal job postings on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities:

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal posting search filter that was highlighted in this MiddPoints article.

On-call/Temporary Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs-sh (on campus), (off campus)

May EFAP News: Keeping up with Your Connections

e4 logo

Are You an Effective Communicator and an Active Listener?

We are busier today than ever. Technology keeps us updated and accessible 24/7; however, all of our high tech resources have created several communication challenged individuals.

Communication is a two part process consisting of someone effectively relaying their message and someone else actively listening to receive the message. In order to successfully send and receive a message, both segments need to be operational. Let’s break communication basics down into five categories:  interpersonal skills, problem solving/leadership, public speaking, written communication, and active listening.


A recent study by Career Builder identified that companies reported 52% of recent college graduates, hence new employees, lack interpersonal skills. Graduates struggled with conversations, making eye contact, listening, and even basic business appropriate dress and personal hygiene. Companies shared that during interviews many graduates couldn’t execute a firm handshake or properly introduce themselves. Be aware of your body language and facial expressions, and practice interviewing and presentation skills until you feel comfortable with them.


Millennials have grown up with highly structured and scheduled lives. One down side of this is the lack of opportunities for problem solving and leadership. If situations are always defined for you, and groups always pinpointed, then it is difficult for leaders to emerge. Independent thinking and problem solving has been stifled in our present world where most problems are left to be solved by an internet search. Challenge yourself and others to brain storm and problem solve in a “low tech” way.  Just use paper and pencil or the dry erase board. Offer opportunities for mixed groups to work together; you may see glimmers of the next great leader there.

Corporate leaders must be skilled in explaining concepts enthusiastically to others. If you can’t clearly communicate a concept, then you will never be able to “sell” it to others, and you may lose credibility as your audience could just interpret it as you don’t even understand the idea yourself.


The Career Builder study also identified that 41% of recent college graduates lacked public speaking skills. Some are born with this talent, but the majority of us must work at it. Preparation, practice, repeat. Not only does this apply to public speaking, but simple professional tasks such as answering the phone or introducing yourself. For the most part we live in a very casual society; however, polished, precise responses in public, within interviews, or on the phone can make or break the deal.


Instant everything has taught us to shorten words and ignore grammar. Professionally, you need to ensure your message matches the media. Reports, emails, and business documents should all contain proper grammar, correct spelling, and appropriate capitalization. Write it, read it, proof it, spell and grammar check it, then walk away. When you come back proof it again before you send it, and if you can run it by someone else for review, go for it. Informal style in normal business communications is not acceptable. If you are using social media for campaigns, then you have the opportunity to be less rigid; however, still following old school rules will help you look professional.


The best way to demonstrate active listening is to focus on the speaker and their content during the conversation/presentation, . Even asking questions aids in active listening. But if during a conversation, all you can think about is what you should say when you get the opportunity to pipe in, then you are internally focusing on your own thoughts and not the message of the sender. Practice active listening, remove all distractions, and completely focus on the speaker.

Most importantly whatever you are communicating about be sure to let your passion for the subject show. “Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.”

– Jim Rohn

FREE Webinar:
Communicating in Relationships: 5 Steps to the Best Fight Ever

May 17th

12-1pm and 3-4pm EST

11-12am and 2-3pm CST

10-11am and 1-3pm MST

9-10am and 12-1pm PST

Wouldn’t it be great if you could express yourself well in a fight and ask for what you really want and need? In this practical, research-inspired workshop you will learn how to transform your next conflict into a conversation that leaves both parties feeling heard and respected.

REGISTER TODAY! Space is limited
Click on the time you would like to attend above.

You can also log on to with your username and password. On the homepage, click on “UPCOMING WEBINARS,” and follow the easy instructions.
Unable to make it to the scheduled webinars?
We have them archived for your convenience. Visit click on E4 University, then click on Webinars to search by  webinar title. 

e4health administers the College’s EFAP program.  To access their comprehensive web site, with many tools and articles, go to the e4health web site.
Username:  middlebury college
Password:    guest
Or call them at: 800-828-6025
(phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot

There are currently 3 faculty positions, 44 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 6 internal job postings on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities:

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal posting search filter that was highlighted in this MiddPoints article.

On-call/Temporary Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs-sh (on campus), (off campus)