Category Archives: domain of one’s own

News from the Office of Digital Learning


Things are happening at the Office of Digital Learning! To keep abreast of what the ODL is up to, we invite you to read the weekly series on our blog called This Week in ODL where you can access updates on the projects, news, and developments underway at our office. We invite you to click here for a complete listing of our weekly updates. And don’t forget to check our frequently-updated Projects page, where you can find information about our many projects.


The ODL has an active blog with regular readers from both within and beyond Middlebury. We hope to count you among them! To receive blog updates in your inbox, subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list. While you’re there, we hope you’ll take a minute to check out our latest blog posts:

Openness without penalty: The cornerstone of the creative student/classroom/university, with guest speaker Adam Croom

Adam Croom is the Director of Digital Learning and an instructor in the College of Journalism of Mass Communication at the University of Oklahoma. In this talk, Adam will narrate how he leverages the technology of the open web to stimulate his students’ learning and personal growth, and to catalyze creativity in his classroom.

Adam’s course project, which started off with a 15-student class, has grown into a university-wide initiative in which more than 3,000 students, faculty, and staff are given space and tools on the open web to write, build, and share. Learn how this project is providing soft infrastructure for teaching, learning, and, ultimately, creating a domain of one’s own.

Please join us Monday, September 26 at 4pm ET / 1pm PT for this important conversation.
Location: Library 105
Watch from anywhere via streaming on MiddCreate,, or on go/stream