Category Archives: data

MiddLab Data Workshops – Summer 2022 Series

We are happy to announce the summer 2022 series of our MiddLab Data Workshops! Our workshops are discipline-inclusive and are open to students, faculty, and staff across the institution, from the sciences to the humanities and beyond.

  • Organizing and Managing Research Data
  • Resource and Citation Management with Zotero
  • Designing Better Data Visualizations
  • Introduction to R and R Studio
  • Data Wrangling in R with dplyr and tidyr
  • Creating High Quality Graphics in R with ggplot2
  • Introduction to Text Mining in R
  • Introduction to Geospatial Data in R
  • The Terminal and the Command Line (parts I & II)
  • Python (parts I & II)
  • Linux at Middlebury
  • High-Performance Computing and Slurm at Middlebury

To learn more about the individual workshops and to register, please visit:

Because of space constraints and geographic inclusion, we will be holding this year’s workshops virtually via Zoom. Zotero workshops will have a limited number of in-person seats.


News from the Office of Digital Learning


Things are happening at the Office of Digital Learning! To keep abreast of what the ODL is up to, we invite you to read the weekly series on our blog called This Week in ODL where you can access updates on the projects, news, and developments underway at our office. We invite you to click here for a complete listing of our weekly updates. And don’t forget to check our frequently-updated Projects page, where you can find information about our many projects.


The ODL has an active blog with regular readers from both within and beyond Middlebury. We hope to count you among them! To receive blog updates in your inbox, subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list. While you’re there, we hope you’ll take a minute to check out our latest blog posts:

Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Portuguese Hub Kickoff, Reading the LMS Against the Backdrop of Critical Pedagogy (Part 2), Pre-Immersion for School in India, Platforms in Education: A Need for Criticality and Hope, and More!

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning:

Want to receive blog updates in your inbox? Subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and adding your email address to the subscribers list!