Category Archives: Benefits



October – December, 2016

  • Thursday October 6, Davis Library 150D
  • Wednesday October 12, Davis Library 150D
  • Thursday October 20, Davis Library 150D
  • Wednesday November 2, Davis Library 150D
  • Tuesday November 15, Davis Library 150D
  • Thursday December 1 , Marble Works, Suite 203
  • Thursday December 15, Davis Library 150D

To schedule an appointment with Erik Moreau, please call the Field Support Team at (800) 732-8353, M-F 8am – 8pm (EST).

Upcoming MSA Webinar – How to Navigate a Divorce (Sept 13th)

msa divorceA divorce is a distressing experience for most of us. In addition to the emotional toll, our finances can be greatly impacted. In this presentation, we will focus on important financial steps that can help us through one of the toughest times in our lives. Maybe you need to know how to get started and what your options are. Or you want to know how the divorce may impact your credit, your budget and your taxes. Or maybe you already went through the divorce, and now you’re ready to rebuild your assets and credit. No matter where you are in the divorce process, you will receive helpful financial information.



Consider This in a Divorce

We’ve compiled a quick list of things to remember during this huge life change – including how you can get a whole team of support…. READ MORE

Financial Peace of Mind

On September 29th, join our webinar to hear about your opportunity to work with a Money Coach to overcome financial stress and achieve your financial dreams. REGISTER

Take Action and Win!

You get the chance to win cool prizes, when you engage in the financial wellness program, work with a Money Coach, and attend classes. REWARDS


September EFAP News: Lessening the Burden of Legal Matters

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The Importance of  Having a Will

September 20th 12-1pm and 3-4pm    EST

11-12pm and 2-3pm  CST

10-11am and 1-3pm  MST

9-10am and 12-1pm  PST

There is much confusion about what you need to do preserve your wealth and end-of-life intentions. This webinar will focus on understanding basic will terminology, understanding why a will is important, the cost of wills and estate planning, and the pros and cons of various will options.

REGISTER TODAY! Space is limited

Click on the time you would like to attend above.

Or log on to with your username and password.  Click on “UPCOMING WEBINARS” on the homepage and follow the easy instructions.

Unable to make it to the scheduled webinars? 

We have them archived for your convenience. Visit click on E4 University, then click on Webinars to search by webinar title.



Understanding Why You Need a Will


If you pass away and you don’t have a will, you become “intestate” or often the phrase is one of the following:  “he died intestate” or “intestate estate.” Intestate simply means you had the opportunity to create a will and didn’t, so based on the laws of your state, and the decision made by a judge appointed administrator, your estate will be divided as the administrator sees fit. Normally, in cases where one spouse passes, assets are divided between the living children and the surviving spouse.

For many reasons not having a will isn’t a good decision, such as:  1.) if you have property in multiple states, state laws may further complicate your estate and resolving any decisions involved with it which may tie up assets for months or years before they are awarded. 2.) A judge appointed administrator has no affiliation to you or your family, and their decisions are strictly legal and may not be the decisions you wanted or your family wanted (for ex. an estranged blood relative could be awarded your entire estate rather than the family member or friend you wanted your estate to go to), and 3.) without properly documented guardianship, if children are involved and both parents die, the children may not be going to the family member or friend you wanted them to live with.


You can create a will many different ways. Please consider the following:

  • You can use one of many free online tools to create a will and most other legal documents.
  • You can hire an attorney to create your will.
  • You can use the online tools, create a will, and then schedule an appointment with an attorney to review what you have created. Often because you have done much of the work for them, your fee will be discounted.
  • Or use the free and discounted resources, such as Legal/Financial aids, available on the website. Self-help forms are available, along with legal assisted forms (at a discounted rate), and direct access to attorneys for an initial free consultation and discounted rates if further services are needed.

Please note there are other legal documents you may need to consider creating depending on failing health or the death of a loved one:

  • Financial and healthcare power of attorney
  • Eldercare agreement
  • Living trusts
  • Living wills
  • Request forms regarding a loved one who has passed (ex. request for death certificate, notice to creditors of death, notice to homeowner’s insurance company of death, etc.)
  • Deeds

Please attend this month’s webinar, “The Importance of Having a Will” for more specific details.


E4 Health is a free, confidential service that’s available to you as well as your immediate household family members. We are available any time, any day to assist with any work or life issue that matters to you and your family.

For professional counseling and supportive resources, call or log on any time, any day.

Just call or log on to get started.

e4health administers the College’s EFAP program.  To access their comprehensive web site, with many tools and articles, go to the e4health web site.
Username:  middlebury college
Password:    guest
Or call them at: 800-828-6025
(phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

On-Site Meetings

Representatives from Cigna will be visiting both the Middlebury and Monterey campuses several times through the fall months. The visits will fall into two categories:  one-on-one meetings with employees and open meetings.  The initial visits days are reserved for private, one-one-one meetings between employees and a Cigna representative and are intended for those employees who have specific questions or concerns, such as: the need to pre-schedule a surgery early in January, an on-going serious health condition, concerns about whether a particular provider is in-network, worries about transferring mail-order prescriptions, and so forth.

Cigna On-Site One-on-One Meeting Schedule
Middlebury MIIS
9/15 afternoon 9/28 afternoon
9/21 midday 9/29 morning
10/4 morning 10/4 morning
10/12 midday 10/12 midday
10/20 afternoon 10/20 afternoon
10/4 morning 10/4 morning
10/26 morning 10/26 morning
12/14 TBD 12/14 TBD
1/11/17 TBD 1/11/17 TBD


If you have specific concerns or questions and would like to meet individually with a Cigna representative please click on a link below to schedule an appointment.

Middlebury Vermont Campus:

Monterey California Campus:

During November Cigna will hold a series of open meetings (on each campus) in which they will present information about: how to access services, network coverage, switching mail order prescriptions, technology offerings, etc. There will also be ample time for questions from the audience. Open meetings will be offered at various times on November 1st, 3rd, 8th, and 10th; specific meeting times and room locations will be announced as we get closer to November.

From MSA: Back to School Shopping


Time for back-to-school shopping!  Aside from the mid-year field trip or random science project, August is typically the one month where you spend a lot of money on school stuff, which means it could potentially mess up your regular spending plan.  Don’t worry!  We’ve got a few tips to help you stay on track.

Adjust Your Budget for Success

First, you need to assess and modify your spending plan to fit potentially hundreds of dollars into this month’s list of expenses.  Parents spend an average of $630 on back-to-school purchases,1 so planning ahead is essential.

Look at how much money you have available.  How much money in savings can and should go towards education costs?  How much of your discretionary spending can you allocate for your shopping trip?

Make a list of all the supplies you will need to get.  Did the teacher provide a list of books and tools?  Do you need to buy a school uniform?  Check your drawers and closets for supplies and clothing first so you don’t spend money on things you already have available.  And remember to bring your list of items so you can stick to what you need.  (If you don’t have a list, you’re more likely to either buy more than necessary or forget something and have to spend more on gas going back for the items.)

If you still need to make a few extra bucks before you head to the mall, grab any items collecting dust in your back closet and throw a garage sale, then put the proceeds toward your back-to-school fund.

Make a (Thrifty) Fashion Statement

You know your kids will ask for the latest and greatest fashion trends.  Dime-store tennis shoes for the first day of school just won’t cut it – they prefer the hundred-dollar shoes.  Of course, you look at your wallet, remember the mortgage and the backpack full of desk supplies you already paid for, and brace yourself for the tantrum that comes after you say, “No.”

Hold up.  There may be a way.

Before you go shopping, check for coupons, discounts and rebates.  Look at sites like Groupon, LivingSocial, ibotta andRetailMeNot.  These sites give you deals that could make big-ticket items more affordable and budget friendly.  Just remember to peruse their offers before you get in the car so you can plan where you need to go; for example, you might find a coupon for those expensive shoes, but it only works at a particular retailer.

You could also see if there’s an outlet store near you that carries major shoe brands (or other school stuff) at discount prices, and you can look for student discounts on everything from clothes to electronics (just don’t forget to bring a valid student ID).

Protect Your Purchases

Did you know that 85% of parents plan on using their smartphones for buying school materials?2  If you decide to use your phone for shopping online or pulling up coupons, remember to check security before making a transaction.  Look for the lock symbol and https before the web address, which signifies the proper Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protection.

Do not use a random Wi-Fi network while shopping online.  Fraudsters set up fake Wi-Fi networks that look like legitimate business internet connections, and they hack your device when you connect to their phony network.

Also check your receipts and credit card statements for any possible errors, like being charged twice for something or not receiving proper credit for a coupon.

Work with a Professional

Preparing your budget for back-to-school purchases, extra trips to the gas station for driving back and forth from school, and money for field trips and extracurricular activities can seem like a daunting objective.  Your Money Coach and Budget Specialist can help your family start the school year on a good financial foot.  Your Money Coach can provide suggestions and options you may not have considered.  And don’t forget Wallet: our personal financial management software that shows all your account activity in one place, allows you to set spending goals and alerts, and more, which makes it easier to be smart with your money while you shop.  Call 888-724-2326 or visit our website to get started.

MSA August Newsletter



Want to retire carefree? Join us as we provide the tips you need for a solid retirement plan. For those of you who do not know the opportunities available, we will provide an overview of retirement plans and savings options. There are many things you need to consider since the cost of living will be different in the future. Our class offers calculations on what to expect and how to meet monthly expenses. Leave this class with the confidence and ability to explore your options and learn how to accomplish your retirement goals.

12:00 pm EST SIGNUP

3:00 pm EST SIGNUP

Assess Retirement Income

Will you be financially stable in retirement? Whether you’re thirty days or thirty years away from retirement, now is the time to assess your future income.



Financial Peace of Mind

On August 25th @ 12pm EST, attend our webinar to hear about your opportunity to work with a Money Coach to overcome financial stress and achieve your financial dreams



Live Financial Forum

Join us on August 24th @ 12pm EST for the opportunity to ask our panel of experts any financial question you might have and get the answers you need.


Take Action and Win!

You get the chance to win cool prizes, when you engage in the financial wellness program, work with a Money Coach, and attend classes.



MSA July Newsletter


Identity Theft – Prevention & Resolution

READ: Great Finances Need Protection
A key aspect of improving financial wellness and maintaining financial success is incorporating an identity theft protection plan….
read more

READ: Smart Steps for a Victim
It’s not a matter of if but when you become a victim of identity theft. Take a moment to learn these smart steps for protecting yourself…
read more

WEBINAR: Financial Peace of Mind
On July 28th, come hear about your opportunity to work with a Money Coach to overcome financial stress and achieve your financial dreams.

REWARDS: Take Action and Win!
You get the chance to win cool prizes, when you engage in the MSA program, work with a Money Coach, and attend webinars.
learn more



July EFAP News: Maintaining Your Health as You Age

e4 logo


Maintaining Your Health as You Age
No matter our age, it is important to care for ourselves physically, emotionally, and socially. As we mature, we need to take the right steps so we can live the most productive and fulfilling lives that we possibly can. 

IN YOUR 20’s

Lay the groundwork for lasting, health habits such as:  maintaining a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, avoiding tanning beds and regularly using sunscreen, shunning illegal substances, wearing your seat belt, and ensuring you receive adequate sleep. Enjoy your youth, energy, and stamina; however, be careful to avoid overexertion, dehydration, and risky behavior. Commit yourself to positive social avenues, such as volunteering, to reduce stress and stay emotionally engaged with others. You may be finishing college and tackling your first real job in this decade. Elevated responsibility may lead to stress and depression. Look for ways to find balance in your life, and if you experience symptoms of depression, reach out to e4health.


IN YOUR 30’s

Maintain proper nutrition and be cognizant of your intake of iron, calcium, folic acid, Vitamin D, and other significant vitamins and minerals. This is especially true for women as many are planning families now. A woman feeds into her bone health until about the age of 35, and then that bank of bone health is what is used for the rest of her life. Establish a healthy BMI, and start having blood work done at your physicals to create baseline readings. Take care of your skin with proper hydration, sun screen, and moisturizers. Build muscle. One of the most common health complaints of “30 something’s” is back pain. A strong abdominal core along with good posture, weight bearing exercises, and stretching will go a long way to caring for your back.


IN YOUR 40’s

Schedule regular check-ups, continue exercising, and eating healthy because this is the decade where many health concerns may creep up. Ensure you are covering all areas such as medical, dental, and vision check-ups. Changes in energy and mood are normal as we age; however, extreme anxiety, loss of interest in things you once loved, or social withdrawal is not healthy. If this happens, talk to a healthcare provider or e4health.


IN YOUR 50’s

Risks for chronic health conditions increase as we age, so it is imperative to stay on the path paved with a healthy diet, exercise, and social activity as much as possible. Many women go through menopause during this decade. Talk to your doctor about how to successfully navigate this stage of life. Some men may start experiencing hair loss, prostate issues, or erectile dysfunction. Seek counsel from your doctor on any questions or concerns you may have so you can maintain ideal health.


IN YOUR 60’s

Many individuals are thinking about retirement now, or you may determine that working longer is best for you. No matter your plan, healthy habits can help you navigate your 60s with fun and enthusiasm. Be sure to continue regular doctor appointments, stay engaged socially, and challenge yourself. Take a class, learn a new skill, or play “mental fitness” games on your tablet, computer, or phone. Remember to exercise your mind as well as your body.



Studies show that stress has a huge impact on your health, and that seniors have an increased risk for depression. Continue your healthy living habits, and focus on being thankful. Count your blessings, not your anxiety triggers. Capture your joy, cling to your spirituality, and hold on to your sense of humor. Be as active as possible – mentally, physically, and spiritually.


Life happens. We grow older, experience many ups and downs, navigate careers, walk through numerous family challenges, and cope with infinite changes. The one constant can be how we care for ourselves. Your body is the engine that propels you through the day. Healthy food is the fuel for that engine. Exercise builds the strong framework that supports the engine. Mental fitness is the computer brain that controls the engine. And social interaction, well, that is your model and color. Some days you are a flashy red Corvette, other days you may be the conservative beige station wagon.


It doesn’t matter what you drive, as long as you put the right fuel in the tank, get the vehicle maintained, and take her out once in a while.

FREE Webinar:

Taking Care of Your Skin

July 19th

12-1pm and 3-4pm EST

11-12am and 2-3pm CST

10-11am and 1-3pm MST

9-10am and 

12-1pm PST

Having healthy skin is important not only for your appearance, but because your skin performs so many important tasks for your body. This webinar will provide an understanding of the various functions of the human skin, some of the common disorders of the skin, and how to maintain good skin health. 


Space is limited

Click on the time you would like to attend above

You can also log on to with your username and password. On the homepage, click on “UPCOMING WEBINARS,” and follow the easy instructions.


Counseling to address the emotional aspects of any health condition you or a family member may be concerned about

Online learning via our webinar, “Taking Care of Your Skin” on July 19th

Articles and tips on topics related to health and self-care

Biometric screenings and health risk assessments (HRAs)

Resources and referrals to traditional and alternative medical providers, as well as specialized health care treatment facilities in your area



For whatever work or life issue is on your mind, or for anything related to daily living that you could use some extra help with, let us be your resource. It’s free, it’s confidential, and it’s available to you, as well as your family and household members. Just call or log on to get started.

e4health administers the College’s EFAP program.  To access their comprehensive web site, with many tools and articles, go to the e4health web site.
Username:  middlebury college
Password:    guest
Or call them at: 800-828-6025
(phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)