All posts by Sonja Burrows

Blog Post from the Office of Digital Learning: AALAC Digital Language Learning Workshop, School of Spanish Centennial Digital Book, Embodiment and the Digital, and more!

Check out the latest blog post from the Office of Digital Learning:

This Week in ODL

  • AALAC Digital Language Learning Workshop coming to campus in April
  • School of Spanish Centennial Digital Book in Scalar
  • Experience Required by Sean Michael Morris
  • Embodiment and the Digital: Amy Collier’s Talk at MIIS


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Featured image by liz west CC BY 2.0

Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Digital Annotation & Language Learning, Critical Instructional Design, and More!

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning:

This Week in ODL

Experience Required

A Call for Curious Questioners

Tools, Teaching, and Annotation

Leveraging Up a Google Search

Digital Annotation for Learning and Scholarship

Across the Distance

The Locks on our Bridges

Critical Instructional Design and Acts of Resistance

A Verse, a Tweet, and an Invitation

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