All posts by Cynthia Slater

ITS Tech Services Overview Offered October 9 – for New (or not-so-new) Hires

Information Technology Services (ITS) offers a monthly workshop with recent hires in mind called “ITS & You:  Technology Services Overview.”  The next session will be held Wednesday, October 9 at 9:00 a.m.  We’ll introduce services and resources provided by ITS to all Middlebury campus employees, including:  account security, online learning, file storage, how to obtain computing help, and more.  The workshop format will be a presentation with questions entertained along the way, followed by an optional half hour for hands-on assistance with specific questions.

To sign up, please use our online form.  Although geared toward new or recent hires, everyone is welcome to attend – you might surprise yourself with an “aha” moment or two.

Next month’s session will be held on Wednesday, November 13 at 1:30 pm.  Our complete workshop schedule can be viewed at http://go/techworkshops/.

Weekly Oracle “Drop-in” Support Sessions

Sign saying We Can Help

Are you (or someone you know) looking for in-person assistance with Oracle tasks? Or perhaps just some moral support? We are ready to lend a hand! Weekly “drop-in” Oracle support sessions will take place every Thursday from 3:00 to 4:30 pm ET in Davis Family Library, Rm 145, through mid-October.  No need to sign up — please stop by any time during these open hours.  Finance and ITS staff, along with Oracle training facilitators, will be available to share their expertise.

Can’t make it? Join us via Zoom! Via internet:; via phone: dial 646-876-9923 and use meeting ID: 716 417 365

Full details or any last-minute changes are posted on the Resources for Oracle Finance site.

ITS Bids Mack* Roark “Au Revoir”

Mack* Roark wearing rainbow paint shirt by Lake Champlain

Great news for our colleague in ITS, Mack* Roark, translates to sad news for Middlebury and the greater community.  After seventeen years on the Middlebury College staff, masterfully filling a variety of technology-related roles, Mack is retiring April 11 and moving to the Big Apple for the next phase of his life.  His departure will be felt across campus and beyond!

Mack* has made many valuable contributions to technology during his time at Midd.  He played a key role in the creation of the Digital Media Tutor program and is also known for his concise Adobe sessions that demystify these complex programs in under an hour.  Many of us have benefited over the years from Mack*’s vast knowledge of — and passion for — “all things Apple” that extends well beyond the workday. (He’s a self-professed “fanboy.”)  We have also been fortunate to have his extensive graphic design background and training expertise in the ITS repertoire. As the Spring Student Symposium draws close, we are very much aware that our Illustrator guru and “plotter whisperer” will not be here next spring to guide the upcoming group of presenters.

Mack*’s departure will also ripple through the wider community.  His willingness to mentor LGBTQ students has been greatly appreciated.  Local theatre and performance art, as well as French conversation groups, will miss his involvement and talent.

Please join us at a reception in Mack*’s honor on Wednesday, April 3, in the Château Grand Salon from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.

ITS Tech Services Overview Offered March 11 – for New (or not-so-new) Hires

Information Technology Services (ITS) offers a monthly workshop with recent hires in mind called “ITS & You:  Technology Services Overview.”  The next session will be held Monday, March 11 at 1:30 p.m.  We’ll introduce services and resources provided by ITS to all Middlebury campus employees, including: email, file storage, account security, online learning, and how to obtain computing help.  The workshop format will be a presentation with questions entertained along the way, followed by an optional half hour for hands-on assistance with specific questions.

To sign up, please use our online form.  Although geared toward new or recent hires, everyone is welcome to attend – you might surprise yourself with an “aha” moment or two.

As always, our complete workshop schedule can be view at http://go/techworkshops/.

Adobe Creative Cloud 2019 Now Available

We are pleased to let you know that the Adobe Creative Cloud 2019 suite is now available for installation by Middlebury Undergraduate College & Institute faculty & staff*.  New this year is login to the Adobe site, as well as the Adobe Creative Cloud app, on personal computers and computers owned by Middlebury (and assigned to you).  The Adobe Creative Cloud provides easy installation, and several cloud storage features, including fonts & preferences.

Important Note: public computer labs will not have the 2019 version of Adobe Creative Cloud applications until spring or summer of 2019.  To maintain full compatibility with labs and others on campus, you are advised to continue using the Creative Cloud 2018 applications in the interim.  

How do I install Adobe applications?:

To install the latest versions (if compatibility with others and access via other computers is not a priority), log in at Adobe with your email credentials.

  1. Click Sign In in the upper-right corner of the web page and use your Middlebury email address and email password to log in.  Select  Enterprise ID if prompted.
  2. Click Download for the Creative Cloud app, then click Save File.
  3. Double-click the Creative_Cloud_Set-Up file in your Downloads folder.
  4. Click Yes to allow the installer to make changes to your computer.
  5. Sign in again using the same credentials as above.
  6. Click Start Installing.
  7. Once the Creative Cloud app installs select the Apps tab.
  8. Select to Install or Update the applications you desire.

Note: Middlebury computers that already have Creative Cloud applications installed may get a message from that they cannot download software.  That computer likely 1) does not have the Adobe Creative Cloud App, or 2) may not have the “Apps” option for installing when you are logged in.  These will require an install/reinstall of the Creative Cloud App provided by Information Technology Services.

To maintain compatibility with labs, we recommend first setting your Creative Cloud Preferences to “Show Older Apps”, then click on the down arrow next to Install, select Manage, then Other Versions.  If you pick the newest from the list of Other Versions, that should be a match for our lab installations.  Video instructions

Once installed, you should be able to install any recommended updates without breaking compatibility, with the exception of Lightroom.  Contact the Service Desk if you require assistance with Lightroom.

Do you have a shared-use computer?  These may require a different process.  Please reach out to us with the number of the computer(s) in question.

Feel free to contact the Service Desk during our open hours if you have questions or encounter any issues during your upgrade process.

*Licensing does not apply to students or to the Schools (Language Schools, Bread Loaf or Schools Abroad).  Adobe software is installed on lab computers.

Update for Self Service App on College-owned Macs

Does your college-owned Mac have the latest and greatest version of the Self Service application?  It’s easy to tell…  just launch Self Service located in the Utilities folder.  If you see the Middlebury logo in a dark blue band across the top — you’ve got the new version which offers not only our latest installers, but also access to many installers from off-campus.

If you don’t have the updated version, you’ll only see one featured piece of software to install — the new Self Service utility.  We encourage you to install this update as soon as possible so you’ll be able to install updated software, printers, and drivers when you need them.  Here’s how to proceed:

Important! If your computer is running macOS 10.9 or older, please update the OS to 10.12 (or newer) before attempting to update Self Service.  10.12 (“Sierra”) is available in the old Self Service to computers that are eligible.

  1. The Mac needs to be connected to Ethernet on the Middlebury campus network to update Self Service.
  2. Open Self Service, then look for ”’JAMF Cloud”’. This is a “featured” install, so it should appear on the main screen.
  3. Read the installation instructions before proceeding.
  4. When the installation has completed it may report a ”’failure”’ — this is normal — just close then re-open Self Service.
  5.  There should be a visual difference (as well as a new version number) to Self Service.  You are done – except…
    • for macOS 10.13.2 or higher, re-opening Self Service will prompt you to ”’Approve”’ the MDM profile in System Preferences.  Please follow the link then click the ”’Approve”’ button.  This helps enable various security & conveniences for your computer, including pre-approval of third-party kernel extensions for common software (ex. Sophos or Google Drive File Stream).

Ready to Learn about Technology? Your tutor never sleeps!

lynda_logo_72x72 Did you know that Middlebury College offers self-paced learning 24/7?  Our fabulous online learning resource,, uses short videos to help you acquire new business and technology skills and is available to all academic year faculty, staff, and students, both here and at Monterey.

Interested?  Drop by the Open House at Davis Family Library on Thursday, Oct. 4 from 3-5:00 pm and check it out first-hand.  Too excited to wait that long?  Visit http://go/lyndainfo/ and get started right now!

For more details about other learning opportunities, visit http://go/itslearn/.

Attention, Supervisors! Upcoming ITS Tech Service Overview Sessions for New Hires

Do you have any new staff members joining your team in the coming months?  Information Technology Services (ITS) offers a monthly workshop with new hires in mind called “ITS & You:  Technology Services Overview.”

We introduce services and resources provided by ITS to all Middlebury campus employees, including: email, file storage, account security, online learning, and how to obtain computing help.  The workshop format is presentation-style with questions entertained along the way, followed by an optional half hour for hands-on assistance with specific questions.  Our complete workshop schedule can be viewed at http://go/techworkshops/.

Although geared toward new or recent hires, everyone is welcome to attend — with the ever-changing world of technology, even not-so-new staff might surprise themselves with an “aha” moment or two.  Please ask employees to sign up using our online form, or you can complete the form on their behalf.


ITS Tech Services Overview Offered March 23 – for New (or not-so-new) Hires

Information Technology Services (ITS) offers a monthly workshop with recent hires in mind called “ITS & You:  Technology Services Overview.”  The next session will be held Friday, March 23 at 9 a.m.  We’ll introduce services and resources provided by ITS to all Middlebury campus employees, including: email, file storage, account security, online learning, and how to obtain computing help.  The workshop format will be a presentation with questions entertained along the way, followed by an optional half hour for hands-on assistance with specific questions.

To sign up, please use our online form.  Although geared toward new or recent hires, everyone is welcome to attend – you might surprise yourself with an “aha” moment or two.

As always, our complete workshop schedule can be view at http://go/techworkshops/.

Workshops for New or Recent Hires: ITS Tech Services Overview

Information Technology Services (ITS) now offers a monthly workshop with recent hires in mind called “ITS & You:  Technology Services Overview.”  The next session will be held Wednesday, January 17 at 9 a.m.  We’ll introduce services and resources provided by ITS to all Middlebury College employees, including: email, file storage, account security, online learning, and how to obtain computing help.  The workshop format will be a presentation with questions entertained along the way, followed by an optional half hour for hands-on assistance with specific questions.

To sign up, please use our online form.  Although geared toward new or recent hires, everyone is welcome to attend – you might surprise yourself with an “aha” moment or two.

As always, our complete workshop schedule can be view at http://go/techworkshops/.