All posts by Eva Fillion

Apply for an Environmental Council grant!

Apply for an Environmental Council grant!
There are two types of grants available:
·      You may apply for a grant for up to $1,500 at any time. These projects typically take place during a single semester or summer.
·      Larger grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded for collaborative projects, and may take up to two years. There will be multiple deadlines for these larger grants throughout the year:
        -January 31
        -February 29
go/ecgrants​ for more information and to apply. Prospective applicants are welcome to make an appointment to discuss their application any time by calling 443-2536 or emailing

Apply for an Environmental Council Grant

Apply for an Environmental Council grant!
There are two types of grants available:
·      You may apply for a grant for up to $1,500 at any time. These projects typically take place during a single semester or summer.
·      Larger grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded for collaborative projects, and may take up to two years. There will be multiple deadlines for these larger grants throughout the year:
        -January 31
        -February 29
go/ecgrants​ for more information and to apply. Prospective applicants are welcome to make an appointment to discuss their application any time by calling 443-2536 or emailing

Env. Council Grants Information Sessions

Students, faculty and staff are invited to join the Environmental Council for a grants information session. We will explain the grants and application process for anyone interested in putting together a proposal. Applications for grants up to $1,500 are welcome at any time, applications for up to $5,000 are due on January 31.

We encourage projects that seek to increase Middlebury College’s sustainability leadership and resilience.

MONDAY, DEC. 7 at 12:30 in the Orchard Room
TUESDAY, DEC. 8 at 5:30 in the Orchard Room

Questions? Email

Beat the Peak and help us lower campus-wide electricity usage!

This summer the Office of Sustainability Integration is launching an effort to avoid “peak demand”, which occurs when our campus’ electrical use exceeds our highest previous use for the past 12 months.  This occurs on the hottest days of the summer when air conditioners, fans, cooling equipment, etc. are in use. Exceeding our peak raises our electricity rates for the entire year, forces the utility company to buy more power from dirtier sources and could result in brown- or black-outs.

We will be monitoring the risk of exceeding our limit each day and posting this sign around campus:

Poster 1-01On days when we are in the red zone, we ask that everyone on campus makes an effort to conserve energy by pulling down the blinds in their rooms, turning off the AC when leaving, turning off appliances and unplugging chargers when not in use.

You can also visit go/beatthepeak for more information.

Thanks for helping out!