All posts by Brook Escobedo

Staff Council Brown Bag Lunch – Childcare in Addison County and the Role of Middlebury College

Staff Council Brown Bag Lunch – Childcare in Addison County and the Role of Middlebury College

Friday, April 7

12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Mitchell Green

Dave Donahue, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Community Relations, will present results from recent staff and community surveys, followed by discussion. Beverages will be provided. We hope to see you there!


Staff Council Night at the Observatory – April 7


Join Staff Council for a Night at the Observatory!

Friday, April 7

8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

McCardell Bi-Centennial Hall, 7th floor


This event is appropriate for children 8 years old and up. If we have to cancel this event because of bad weather, there will be other open observatory dates. If the sky looks questionable on the 7th, call the Observatory at 443-2266 for a message after 7:00 PM regarding the ability to view the stars that night.

Middlebury School of the Environment Announces a Week in DC

Did you know that your college-age son or daughter could attend the Middlebury School of the Environment this summer and earn 9 credit hours? Students enrolling in the session (June 23 to August 4, 2017) will spend five weeks on the Middlebury campus in Vermont and one week in Washington, D.C., partnering with Planet Forward.

The School of the Environment offers an introductory and advanced track, and students will take three integrated courses and participate in leadership training. An emphasis will be on linking skills associated with leadership and innovative problem-solving with a solid grounding in the principles and concepts of environmental studies.

Generous, need-based grants are available, and local students can live at home during the five weeks the School is operating in Vermont. See dates/fees information.

Contact Stephen Trombulak, Director, if you have questions at  Visit the School of the Environment Blog for updates and information and the website for application information.

What’s your college student doing this summer?

Is your college-age student coming home to Vermont and still unsure of his or her summer plans? If so, consider recommending the Middlebury School of the Environment, a six-week summer environmental studies and leadership training program, held on the Middlebury campus. We are pleased to announce that new funding has become available for the summer 2016 session. We are now able to meet up to 100% of demonstrated need on a first-come, first-served basis and are offering merit aid ranging from $500 to $2500 for those who do not qualify for need-based aid.

Students have the option to live on campus or at home* while attending the program, and will earn 9 credit-hours (3 Middlebury units of credit) during the summer.

To be eligible for consideration for this funding, students will need to complete the admissions application (online application, recommendation, fee, and transcript) by midnight May 8, EST. To apply for need-based aid, they must also submit the online financial aid application.

Feel free to contact me at or 443.3100 with any questions.

Steve Trombulak
Director, School of the Environment

*June 24 to August 5, 2016
$8,735 (Tuition, room, and full meal plan)
$6,355 (Tuition plus lunch daily)

School of the Environment – Applications Open!

Does your college-age son or daughter need something to do this summer? Did you know the Middlebury School of the Environment is open to him or her? Your student can earn 9 credit hours in six short weeks, and this year, there is an option to live off-campus*.

The School of the Environment is open to any college undergraduate and no previous college-level coursework in environmental studies is necessary. Applications are open for admissions and financial aid, and need-based grants are available.

Students enrolling in the session (June 24 to August 5, 2016) will take three integrated courses: two core courses (a project-based practicum and one that provides an interdisciplinary perspective on a complex issue) and an elective. The three courses will share connecting themes, tools, strategies and faculty, as well as mentors, visiting scholars and practitioners. An emphasis will be on linking skills associated with leadership and innovative problem-solving with a solid grounding in the principles and concepts of environmental studies.

Contact Stephen Trombulak, Director, if you have questions or visit the School of the Environment Blog and website for updates and information.

*All students are required to pay for and eat lunch in the dining hall as required meetings and work take place over the lunch hour.



Middlebury School of the Environment Summer Program

Did you know that your college-age son or daughter could attend the Middlebury School of the Environment this summer and earn 9 credit hours? Need-based grants are available.

The School of the Environment is open to any college undergraduate and no previous college-level coursework in environmental studies is necessary.

Students enrolling in the session (June 24 to August 5, 2016) will take three integrated courses: two core courses (a project-based practicum and one that provides an interdisciplinary perspective on a complex issue) and an elective. The three courses will share connecting themes, tools, strategies and faculty, as well as mentors, visiting scholars and practitioners. An emphasis will be on linking skills associated with leadership and innovative problem-solving with a solid grounding in the principles and concepts of environmental studies. Learn more about the courses that are offered in the program.

Admissions and financial aid applications will be available November 1. Please note that this year, there is an option to live off-campus, though all students are required to pay for and eat lunch in the dining hall as required meetings and work take place over the lunch hour.

An information session will be held on October 20th at 4:30 pm in Hillcrest 103. All are invited to attend.

Contact Stephen Trombulak, Director, if you have questions or visit the School of the Environment Blog and website for updates and information.

Staff Council Learning Lunches

Save the Date! Staff Council Learning Lunches

Professor Shalom Goldman, Pardon Tillinghast Professor of Religion, along with colleagues from the Religion department, will be offering three lectures this fall for staff. Spend an hour with us and learn more about different belief systems across the globe while increasing your religious literacy.

Join us on the following dates from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.:

October 21
Survey of  World Religions–Focus on the Monotheistic Traditions

Presented by Professor Shalom Goldman

November 18
Judaism Throughout the World and in the United States
Presented by Professor Shalom Goldman and colleagues

December 9
Islam Throughout the World and in the United States
Presented by Professor Shalom Goldman and colleagues

A light lunch will be served. More details will be coming soon, including instructions on how to RSVP.

Sponsored by Staff Council & Human Resources

Discounts for College Employees

Did you know that Middlebury employees can receive discounts at various local and national businesses ranging? Take a look at the controller’s page and scroll down to the discounts section and see if you could be saving any money on food, cell phone service, or tires, to name a few. You can also access the information at go/discounts. This list is updated as we find new discounts, so please let Staff Council know of any additional discounts that you may find. Future weekly MiddPoints digests will also contain the go/discounts link as a reminder.

Happy shopping!
Middlebury Staff Council

Join us for Staff and Faculty Skate Night!

Staff Council invites staff, faculty, and their families to Skate Night! Join Staff Council for an evening of roller skating at Skateland in Essex Junction. Cost is $10 per person and includes skate rental. Food is available for purchase at the snack bar.

Saturday, May 2
4:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M.
$10 per person
Skateland Vermont

If you think you might attend, we would like to get a rough count for staffing at Skateland.