All posts by Sheila Cameron

Dare to Lead Workshop Offering for all Employees

Don’t think you are a leader? Think again…

According to Dr. Brené Brown a leader is“Anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.”

What: Dare to Lead Workshops (4 days from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm), must be able to commit to all days to participate.

When: Click here for dates and registration form.

Where: Room TBD on the Middlebury, VT Campus

How: Check with your supervisor then the go ahead and then register.

What else: Seating is limited; if you have any questions contact  Sheila Cameron. Also, this program requires individual “in workshop work”, and work/reflection between meetings.  It is rewarding and not always easy!

About The Dare to Lead Program

Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage building program designed to be facilitated by organizational development professionals.

The most significant finding from Brené’s latest research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. The Dare to Lead™ program focuses on developing these courage building skills through workshops, trainings, and coaching to help individuals, teams, and organizations move from armored leadership to daring leadership.

Individuals who successfully complete the full 24-hour Dare to Lead™ program will receive a Dare to Lead Trained digital certificate and a digital badge that be added to their LinkedIn account.

Further information is available at

Note:  This program is also available for teams or workgroups in the full 24 hour or an 8 hour overview version; and can be offered remotely or in person. Contact Sheila Cameron.

Dare to Lead Workshop Schedule and Registration for Academic Year 2022-23

What: Dare to Lead Workshops

When: Click here for a schedule of offerings and registration links for this Academic year

Where: One offering via Zoom; the rest of the offerings are on the Middlebury, VT Campus

How: Check with your supervisor then the go ahead and then register for the cohort that you would like to join: Click here for a schedule of offerings and registration links

What else: Seating is limited, you will receive a message from your facilitator, Sheila Cameron, letting you know if you have a seat or are on the waiting list.  Also, this program requires individual “in workshop work”, and work/reflection between meetings.  It is rewarding and not always easy!

Don’t think you are a leader? Think again…

According to Dr. Brené Brown a leader is“Anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.”

About The Dare to Lead Program

Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage building program designed to be facilitated by organizational development professionals.

The most significant finding from Brené’s latest research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. The Dare to Lead™ program focuses on developing these courage building skills through workshops, trainings, and coaching to help individuals, teams, and organizations move from armored leadership to daring leadership.

Individuals who successfully complete the full 24-hour Dare to Lead™ program will receive a Dare to Lead Trained digital certificate and a digital badge that be added to their LinkedIn account.

Further information is available at

Note:  This program is also available for teams or workgroups in the full 24 hour or an 8 hour overview version; and can be offered remotely or in person. Contact Sheila Cameron.


Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change

Facilitated by: Sheila Cameron

For many of us, change is a consistent part of our work lives, whether taking on a new job, learning a new system, or re-tooling how we do things.  Sometime change is easy, and other times it is difficult and does not seem to take hold.

In their book, “Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change”, William and Susan Bridges provide a helpful model that addresses change and transition, along with proven strategies that can help us manage the process successfully.

 In this workshop, we will:

  • Explore the connection between change and transition
  • Learn strategies to successfully move through the change and transition process
  • Identify ways to support others through the change and transition process
  • Adopt proactive approaches to managing and leading change

**All participants will be offered a copy the book “Making the Most of Change, by William and Susan Bridges” **

Click here to register for one of four workshop choices – locations on our Vermont Campus “to be determined”:

  • Thursday May 17, 2018          9:00 am -12:00 in Axinn 229
  • Wednesday June 27, 2018      1:00 pm – 4:00
  • Wednesday July 11, 2018       9:00 am – 12:00
  • Thursday August 9, 2018        1:00 pm – 4:00 in Kirk



Workshop: Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change

Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change

Facilitated by: Sheila Cameron

For many of us, change is a consistent part of our work lives, whether taking on a new job, learning a new system, or re-tooling how we do things.  Sometime change is easy, and other times it is difficult and does not seem to take hold.

In their book, “Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change”, William and Susan Bridges provide a helpful model that addresses change and transition, along with proven strategies that can help us manage the process successfully.

 In this workshop, we will:

  • Explore the connection between change and transition
  • Learn strategies to successfully move through the change and transition process
  • Identify ways to support others through the change and transition process
  • Adopt proactive approaches to managing and leading change

**All participants will be offered a copy the book “Making the Most of Change, by William and Susan Bridges” **

Click here to register for one of four workshop choices – locations on our Vermont Campus “to be determined”:

  • Thursday May 17, 2018          9:00 am -12:00 in Axinn 229
  • Wednesday June 27, 2018      1:00 pm – 4:00
  • Wednesday July 11, 2018       9:00 am – 12:00
  • Thursday August 9, 2018        1:00 pm – 4:00



Streamlined Productivity Webinar with Porter Knight

Monday, November 27th, 2017 at 4:15 – 5:45 pm EST/1:15 – 4:45 pm PST (90 minutes)

Sign-up: Click here to register and view details

The hours in a day are finite yet the demands on your time seem limitless. How can you effectively get your work done when you’re pulled in so many different directions? This workshop will put you back in charge of your day so you can get organized, be effective, and focus on what’s important. You’ll learn time management tricks, strategies to stay on top of email, and ways to communicate your tasks and priorities to others.

Join us for this lively and interactive program. You’ll leave with tools you can put in place immediately to get more done with less stress.

*To join the webinar, you will need a computer with the Zoom software downloaded and an internet connection.

  • You can create a Zoom account for yourself at any time by visiting go/zoom, clicking sign-in, and logging in with your Middlebury credentials.  Monterey users will need to use their full address.
  • More details on how to join the webinar will be sent before the session.

Workshop Offering: Streamlined Productivity with Porter Knight

Thursday, April 13, 2017, from 9:00 am -12:00 pm in Kirk

~Light refreshments will be provided~

Click here to register by Thursday, April 6th – Spaces are limited!

Workshop Overview:

The hours in a day are finite, yet the demands on your time seem limitless. How can you effectively get your work done when you are pulled in so many different directions? This workshop will put you back in charge of your day so you can get organized, be effective, and focus on what’s important.

You will learn:

  • Time management tricks
  • Strategies to stay on top of email
  • Ways to communicate your tasks and priorities to others

You will leave with tools you can put in place immediately to get more done with less stress. All participants receive bound note-taking guides to use as a lasting resource.

(This is an incredibly popular program that Porter has presented on our Vermont campus in various forms for over a decade. If you’ve heard Porter present before, you can sign up for a refresher, or tell your colleagues about this opportunity!)

If you have questions please contact Sheila Cameron

Colleagues on our MIIS campus – Porter Knight is a Vermont-based consultant.  If this topic is of interest to you, please contact Melissa Sorenson and we will explore possibilities.

Register by Feb 16! Workshop Offering: Human Relations Skills – The Dale Carnegie Course

Workshop Offering: Human Relations Skills – The Dale Carnegie Course

“Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. I invested in the Dale Carnegie® program years ago and it was worth a college degree.”  – Warren Buffet

Please read the entire communication below if you are interested:

Dates: Tuesdays, February 23- April 12*, 2016 from 8:30 AM to Noon (8 sessions)

Location: Kirk Alumni, main room

Facilitator: Agnes Cook

*Graduation lunch on April 12 from 12:00-12:30

Click here for more information and to register: Dale Carnegie Course Registration *

Register by February 16th to reserve a seat

You will be able to:

  • Create a Professional Vision
  • Set and Achieve Your Goals
  • Present Your Ideas with Clarity
  • Enhance Your Leadership Skills
  • Coach and Motivate for Success
  • Stay Positive in Critical Situations
  • Build Trust and Integrity with Others
  • Build Relationships across the Organization

This course qualifies for the Middlebury Continuing Education Benefit*:

If you would like to receive funding to attend:

  1. Please first click here to get more information about the program from Dale Carnegie or register or contact Agnes Cook at
  2. Then click here to complete and submit a Middlebury Continuing Education Fund Application. If question arise about this step of the process, please contact Petrina teRiele in Human Resources at
  3. Please also discuss with this your supervisor to get the appropriate approval to attend (if questions arise regarding this please contact Laura Carotenuto in Human Resources at

*This Dale Carnegie course is accredited and offers 2.8 CEU’s (Continuing Education Units) and is supported by the Continuing Education Fund Benefit. Participants are required to participate in at least 7 out of the 8 classes to receive CEU credits. If you miss classes, make up classes for all sessions are available in the Dale Carnegie Essex, VT location.

The Mystery of Work/Life Balance

You are invited to this 90 minute workshop to explore the mystery that is work/life balance.

Led by: Sara Daly, Physical Therapist, President, Waterfalls Day Spa

Tuesday June 9, 2015 in Warner 202, 9:00-10:30 or 3:00-4:30jungle4

Sara will give you the map to:

  • personal energy balancing by using The 50 Point Energy Plan
  • success techniques to create clear visions of your goals
  • staying healthy by setting priorities and limits on your energy use

Leave with a simple tool to create balance in your life, and all attendees will be entered to win a Waterfalls Day Spa gift card at the event!


Get Organized, Get Along, And Get Results!

A Workshop delivered by: Porter Knight

Wednesday, April 29th from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Crest Room
Light refreshments provided

click here to register

The hours in a day are finite yet the demands on your time seem limitless. How can you effectively get your work done when you’re pulled in so many different directions? This workshop will put you back in charge of your day so you can focus on what’s important. You’ll learn:
• The one tool you need to make every day sane
• Six steps to managing flow of paper and data
• The real problem with email and how to conquer it
• Five strategies to counteract the myths of time management
• Three components of a “balanced” schedule

Once you’ve mastered your own productivity, how can you best interact with others? Getting results is what matters. But productive communications is more than getting people to do what you want – it’s a two-way street that requires thought and skill. We’ll teach you strategies to:
• Manage expectations with two magic words
• Hear and be heard every time
• Cope with interruptions
• Say “No” effectively
• Minimize conflict and maintain your cool

Join us for this lively and interactive program. We’ll include time for discussion so that you can plan how best to apply these ideas. You’ll leave with tools you can put in place immediately for a more effective and peaceful work day.

*Though there is some new material, this workshop includes most of the core components that Porter Knight has presented in past years and in other formats, including: GEARS of Organizing, RRRIPP through paper, RRRIDD yourself of email, TrueTime Planning.

*What’s in this session that is also in the Stress, Neuroscience & Productivity session: small reference to brain function, point of the decision, balanced scheduling, and dealing with conflict.

Get Organized, Get Along, And Get Results!

A Workshop delivered by: Porter Knight

Wednesday, April 29th from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Crest Room
Light refreshments provided

click here to register

The hours in a day are finite yet the demands on your time seem limitless. How can you effectively get your work done when you’re pulled in so many different directions? This workshop will put you back in charge of your day so you can focus on what’s important. You’ll learn:
• The one tool you need to make every day sane
• Six steps to managing flow of paper and data
• The real problem with email and how to conquer it
• Five strategies to counteract the myths of time management
• Three components of a “balanced” schedule

Once you’ve mastered your own productivity, how can you best interact with others? Getting results is what matters. But productive communications is more than getting people to do what you want – it’s a two-way street that requires thought and skill. We’ll teach you strategies to:
• Manage expectations with two magic words
• Hear and be heard every time
• Cope with interruptions
• Say “No” effectively
• Minimize conflict and maintain your cool

Join us for this lively and interactive program. We’ll include time for discussion so that you can plan how best to apply these ideas. You’ll leave with tools you can put in place immediately for a more effective and peaceful work day.

*Though there is some new material, this workshop includes most of the core components that Porter Knight has presented in past years and in other formats, including: GEARS of Organizing, RRRIPP through paper, RRRIDD yourself of email, TrueTime Planning.

*What’s in this session that is also in the Stress, Neuroscience & Productivity session: small reference to brain function, point of the decision, balanced scheduling, and dealing with conflict.