What’s on Tap for Well-Being… Weeks of April 26th and May 3rd

Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.

― James Clear

Spring is in the air so it’s time to get outside and get moving for a good cause.  Join the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium team for the Step Up to Stepping Strong challenge.  Step Up for Stepping Strong is a month-long steps challenge supporting The Gillian Reny Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  Established by Boston Marathon bombing survivors, the Stepping Strong Center fuels trauma research and care to benefit civilians and military personnel worldwide who have suffered the devastation of traumatic injuries.  Cigna is proud to commit to donating $100,000 to the center when the community reaches 500 million steps through the Step Up for Stepping Strong challenge.  Registration is open until April 30th and the steps challenge is May 1-31. Check out this quick video tutorial to see how to sign up or read the FAQs here.  Make sure you join the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium team and help us to support this wonderful cause. 

Are you the leader your people need right now?  Join behavioral scientist Lindsay Kohler and employee communications experts Laura House and Naomi Goodman and hear how to be the leader your organization needs right now.  Tuesday, April 29th 1:00-2:00 pm EST.  Click here to register.

Cultivating Resilience to Avoid Burnout: Burnout is an epidemic in our culture. Defined as an occupational phenomenon resulting from chronic workplace stress, burnout is a serious health issue that can have dire consequences on our short- and long-term health and well-being. Join Rebecca Schubert, GMHEC Employee Well-being Program Coordinator for an in-depth discussion of the stages of burnout, signs of burnout and actions we can take to avoid burning out. Come away with a plan of action to support your resilience and help you to stay well. Thursday, April 29th 3:30-4:30 pm EST.  Zoom.  Password 135790.  Please RSVP for this event to rebecca.schubert@gmhec.org no later than noon on Wednesday, April 28th. 

Nutrition, Movement & Mindfulness to Improve Mental Health:  Join The Edge Preventative Care team and learn about ways to support your mental health and stress reduction through nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness.  Friday, April 30th noon-1:00 pm EST.  Click here to register. 

Please note that as of May 1st there will be changes to the regular well-being schedule.  The weather is getting better so it’s time to get off the screen and get outside. 

  • Beth’s morning intention will only be happening on Mondays.
  • Yoo-Sun’s lunchtime cardio class is on hold until September.