Informal Performance Evaluations for Staff Members

Annual written performance evaluations are conducted for staff members between January 1 and March 31 of each year as part of the College’s ongoing performance feedback process.  Also part of this process, informal performance evaluation meetings are conducted at six-month intervals between the annual written performance evaluations.  For most staff, informal evaluation meetings occur between July and September.

The annual evaluation process is designed to give employees and supervisors an opportunity to evaluate work accomplishments and performance during the review period and establish goals and objectives for the future.  The informal evaluation provides a valuable opportunity for mid-year feedback, review of the progress in meeting goals, and plans for any necessary adjustments.

Supervisors should be making plans to meet with their staff members to conduct mid-year performance discussions if not already completed.  Staff and supervisors should contact Human Resources with any questions or concerns about the performance evaluation process by calling x5465, option 1.