What’s on Tap for Well-Being?

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

– Margaret Mead

Register now for the annual Step Up for Stepping Strong challenge. 

This free, virtual, app-based steps challenge runs from May 1st through the 31st and is open to all faculty, staff and students from the GMHEC colleges.  The challenge supports The Gillian Reny Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  Your steps will move you toward better health, get you entered into weekly drawings to win gift cards and will help support to a $100,000 donation to the Center from Cigna.  We hope you’ll join us.

Get the all the details here and be sure to invite your colleagues.  

The calendar password is GMHECWell-Being